Thursday, December 18, 2014

More Research


Many whites, by that same logic, don't think white life matters either. Only nobody uses that as an excuse for police terror against whites. Most crimes against whites are committed by whites. Yet paranoid white simpletons stress over Black crime while being violated (87% of the time) by other whites. Now Blacks are in general more RATIONAL in this matter and far less paranoid. We know that most crime in every group (Native Americans maybe excepted) is INTRARACIAL, not interracial. And we don't lose sleep over how many of you kills or rape each other. Indeed, white husbands more commonly murder than wives than Black husbands. But you don't find Blacks obsessing over white crime. We are indignant about WHITE RACISM, not white crime. THAT we are directly affected by. And you racist buffoons who are always obsessing over Black crime, or using it to deflect from the issue of anti-Black terror by the police, ought to check out Lisa Bloom's article "White People Commit the Most HEINOUS Crimes, So why is America Terrified of Black Men?" in the May 13, 2004 edition of Oh yes, the author happens to be white. Trying to talk some sense into some of her more benighted fellow yourself.



 Several years ago I read an interview involving Noam Chomsky in which Chomsky said that if the police conduct that is status quo in Black and Latin communities were to become COMMONPLACE in white American communities (and not just he white poor) America would already be regarded as a Fascist. Well the police terror so common today in Black and Latino America may very well become commonplace throughout the WHOLE of America. We then will have a Fascist USA; and even many current conservatives and reactionaries and even racists will wish they had opposed police terror while it was still mainly directed against communities of color. But by then it may be too late. Indeed, there are a few conservatives (it seems mainly "libertarians ") who are beginning to perceive this danger even now. At present, most of our allies in white America are---unsurprising ly---center/left. Not unlike the 1960s.



 Those people for whom HUMAN lives matter, are more incense over the killing of Michael Brown, Eric Garner or Tamir Rice than about scattered outbreaks of looting of property. For persons, unlike property, have INHERENT value. And since it was destruction of human life, and judicial support for the destroyers which provoked the attack on property, the obsession with burnt buildings may indicate a definite alienation from all that is human. Moreover, those for whom HUMAN life is valuable, for whom the dignity of human personhood is inviolable, the very thought of racist use of words like "Mexican Jew"---as if being Mexican or Jewish lowered one's worth as a human being---the whole way of thinking indicated by the language is unacceptable to persons for whom human life matters. But such ethical and socially conscious people do not include depraved individuals like Max Fascist "Devil".



 The racist trolls are deflecting. I've a concern more relevant to this thread. Where do we go from here? I also wonder about the similarities and dissimilarities between the mass protests against police terror and the Occupy protests against plutocracy. Police are the armed extension of the state. Plutocracy is the rule of the privileged classes which dominate the state. Somehow relation must be drawn between economic oppression and police violence, and also between racism, economic oppression and political repression. A new movement must think through these matters very carefully. -Savant


 The CIA has been training dictatorial regimes in torture tactics for decades. -Savant

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