Tuesday, August 25, 2009

News on TBN, etc.



From www.revelationwebsite.co....ord/kc.htm

Kenneth Copeland
(Click on the links in the quotes to hear a WAV file of Kenneth Copeland)


There is a strong Masonic connection to the Word-Faith Movement. Madam Blavatsky was made a Freemason in her day because of her close friendship to Albert Pike and her leadership in occult Theosophy, a parallel system to Masonry, which was one of the roots of the Word-Faith Movement.

Then there is Kenneth Hagin who is suspected of being a Freemason. Hagin's god is the phallic god, and he believes that Jesus Christ is the female member of the godhead. This is the ancient and well known doctrine of the godhead as presented by Supreme Pontiff Albert Pike, Southern District of Freemason, 33rd Degree, and every Freemason and every Lodge holds Pike's Morals and Dogma as the master text of Masonic Doctrine. If Hagin is a Freemason and has made the Royal Arch Degree or higher, he has taken an oath based on Jehovah God being the male organ and Jesus being the female vagina.

Then there is Kenneth Copeland, one of todays leading spokesmen of the Word-Faith movement. His printed material, broadcast media, crusades and international outreach centers, reach and influence millions.

Copeland started his ministry under 33rd Degree Freemason Oral Roberts as a pilot, but he confesses that it was Kenneth Hagin's tapes and books that revolutionized his ministry. Copeland has been quoted as saying that he 'learned nothing' during six months at Oral Roberts University but was so excited by Hagin's teachings that...[he] spent the next month in his garage listening to them." It is a trademark of most proud Masons to leave key symbols veiled into pictures and also to use various keywords in speeches or secret handshakes. Proof of this can be found in Masonrys most common definition of itself as being Freemasonry is a peculiar system of Morality, veiled in Allegory, and illustrated by Symbols. This is taken directly from the second degree initiation.

ALLEGORY: fictional literary narrative or artistic expression that conveys a symbolic meaning parallel to but distinct from, and more important than, the literal meaning. Allegory has also been defined as an extended metaphor. The symbolic meaning is usually expressed through personifications and other symbols. In art, an allegorical painting or sculpture is one that has a symbolic meaning underlying the surface image.

On the cover for Copeland's audiotape series entitled 'How To Build Your Firm Foundation.' Copeland has placed the chief Masonic symbols of the square and compass, to most people the true meaning is veiled in an allegorical style.

In Copeland's 'Shout' magazine for kids, we find more Masonic symbols. Around Kenneth's neck is an eagle above an inverted triangle. The female has an inverted 5 pointed star placed on her shirt. This symbol represents the 'Order of the Eastern Star' which is a Masonic order for women! Is this a coincidence?

Copeland has placed the main symbols of Masonry and the Eastern Star on his covers. When 33rd Degree Freemason Robert Schuller wanted to express his secret membership in the Lodge he used the 33rd Degree symbol of a double headed eagle and sent it out to many people without them realizing what he was declaring to his Masonic brothers worldwide. 33rd Degree Freemason Oral Roberts used the inverted triangle in his University logo which has a hidden Masonic design to it. Another odd element is that the Freemasons veiled the symbols of the square, compass, inverted star and triangle into the street layout of Washington D.C. These are the 3 symbols that Copeland has placed on the 2 mentioned covers.

Kenneth Copeland has stated that Jehovah means Half Male/ Half Female and that God is as much female as he is male. He amplifies this strange teaching by also saying that Adam was originally half male and half female. According to the book "The Secret Teachings Of Freemasonry" by Gordon Mohr this is exactly what the Masonic Lodge teaches:- (on pages 107-108)

"Adam was made in the image of God. He was as much female as he was male. He was exactly like God. Then God separated him and removed the female part. Woman means 'man with the womb.' Eve had as much authority as Adam did as long as they stayed together." (Sensitivity of Heart KCP Publications, 1984, 23)

In his first initiation stages he (the Freemason) learns: 1 - That the rite of initation for Apprentice Masons represents in dramatic fashion the origin or birth of Nature's god - the Great All. It signifies the non-existence of a supernatural person God, such as that of Christianity. It signifies that the two principles of "matter" and "form", "male" and "female," are always eternally generating," (reproducing). It looks on God as a hermaphrodite, and creation as the beginning of the "generation process." Taken from: Speculative Masonry, by Brother J. Yorke, Grand Master of the Ancient Rite pages 3 & 54

2 - The initation rite into the Second Degree, represents the moral condition of nature's god, always in labor, always reproducing. Again it looks on God as hermaphroditic, and states that his name JEHOVAH, means "generation." Meaning to say, HE-SHE, the two sexes in one. From Speculative Masonry page 14 & Mackey's Lexion pages 126-129

The dual principle of "male" and "female" is represented by the "square and compass." The "compass" represents OSIRIS, the male god of the Egyptians, while the "square" is the symbol representing ISIS, the female goddess of Egypt - both are sexual symbols. Taken from: Ragon's Cours. Philosophique page 102 Copeland has placed these symbols on one of his tape covers.

Copeland also teaches similar things that the early Mormons leaders who were also Freemasons taught. While the Mormons teach that God lives on a planet near the star Kolob, Copeland says that his hermaphroditic god also lives on a Mother Planet:-
"Heaven has a north and a south and an east and a west. Consequently, it must be a planet." Spirit, Soul and Body I 1985 audiotape #01-0601, side 1

"You don't think earth was first, do you? Huh? Well, you don't think that God made man in His image, and then made earth in some other image? There is not anything under this whole sun that's new. Are you hearing what I'm saying? This is all a copy. It's a copy of home. It's a copy of the Mother Planet. Where God lives, He made a little one just like His and put us on it." Following the Faith of Abraham I, 1989 audiotape #01-3001, side 1

Exactly how Copeland could "squeeze" God on any planet is difficult to fathom, especially since Solomon pointed out that heaven itself cannot contain God (1 Kings 8:27).

Compare what Freemason-Mormon Brigham Young stated "Adam is our father and our God" with Copeland's quote that Adam was God manifest in the flesh, just the same as Jesus (click on the link in the quote to hear the wav file):-

"God's reason for creating Adam was His desire to reproduce Himself. I mean a reproduction of Himself, and in the Garden of Eden He did just that. He was not a little like God. He was not almost like God. He was not subordinate to God even. ...Adam is as much like God as you could get, just the same as Jesus when He came into the earth, He said you've seen me you've seen the Father, he wasn't a lot like God, He's God manifested in the flesh! And I want you to know something, Adam, in the Garden of Eden, was God manifested in the flesh." Following the Faith of Abraham I, side 1

God spoke Adam into existence in authority with words. These words struck Adam's body in the face. His body and God were exactly the same size." Holy Bible, Kenneth Copeland Reference Edition 1991, 45, emphasis in original

That Adam looks the same as Jesus and God:

"The image being that he [Adam] was the copy, looked just like [God]. If you stood Adam upside God, they look exactly alike. If you stood Jesus and Adam side by side, they would look and sound exactly alike...Now a lot of people have missed that...but that's exactly true...The image is that they looked just alike. But the likeness, is that they act alike, and they are alike...Now here's Adam in the image of God, and in the likeness of God. All of God's attributes, all of God's authority, all of God's faith, all of God's ability, was invested in that man" Authority of the Believer IV 1987, audiotape #01-0304, side 1

The Hebrew word for "likeness" (demuth) simply means similarity or resemblance, not identity. The term itself actually "defines and limits" the word "image" (Hebrew: tselem) in order "to avoid the implication that man is a precise copy of God, albeit miniature" (R. Laird Harris, Gleason L. Archer, Jr., and Bruce K. Waltke, eds., Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, 2 vols. Chicago: Moody Press, 1981, 1:192.)

Humans are created in God's image in the sense that they share, in a finite and imperfect way, God's communicable attributes (e.g, rationality and morality). These attributes, in turn, give individuals the capacity to enjoy fellowship with God, develop personal relationships with one another, and take care of God's creation as He has commanded. (Millard J. Erickson, Christian Theology, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1988, 510; cf. 514) God's incommunicable attributes (e.g., omnipotence, omniscience, self-sufficiency), however, remain solely His.

Now compare Freemason-Mormon founder Joseph Smith's teaching that if you were to see God today "you would see him like a man in form - like yourselves in all the person, image, and very form as a man." with how Copeland describes his god:-

[God is] "a being that is very uncanny the way he's very much like you and me. A being that stands somewhere around 6'2", 6'3", that weighs somewhere in the neighbourhood of a couple of hundred pounds or a little better, has a span of 9 inches across." Spirit, Soul and Body I audiotape Side 1 1985

Copeland's statement is based on Isaiah 40:12 ("Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, marked off the heavens with a [nine inch] span,..." [AV]). Yet following the same line of interpretation, one would also have to conclude that God literally held a basket full of dust and weighed mountains on a gigantic set of scales (v. 12b) - which is an absurd proposition ruled out by the context of the passage. Isaiah 40 makes extensive use of figurative language to underscore the vast difference between the Creator and His creation.

The Bible never intended to convey the notion that God has physical features like His human creation. Jesus declared that, "God is spirit" (John 4:24), not a spirit-being with a body (cf. Deut. 4:12). God is not like man. (Numbers 23:19). The Creator is, after all, "God, and not man" (Hos. 11:9).

The idea of God possessing a body, physical or spirit, implies the unbiblical view that the Trinity is actually composed of three separate beings. Moreover, a God who has a body with definite, measurable dimensions cannot truly be omnipresent, unlike the God of Scripture who is present everywhere in all His fullness (Jer. 23:23-24).

It is true that in His human nature Christ has a body and is localized in space and time. But in His divine nature He remains nonphysical and omnipresent, sharing this immutable nature with the Father and Holy Spirit.

Kenneth Copeland is one of the best known proponents of the Charismatic/Word-Faith Movement's "little gods" teaching, which denies the uniqueness of Christ. The Bible tells us that there is only one God, (Isaiah 43:10; Isaiah 44:6; Isaiah 45:18; Mark 12:29; 1 Cor. 8:4), yet, Copeland says Jesus told him:

"Don't be disturbed when people accuse you of thinking you are God ... They crucified Me for claiming I was God. I didn't claim that I was God; I just claimed that I walked with Him and that He was in Me. Hallelujah! That's what you're doing ..." Take Time to Pray," Believer's Voice of Victory , 2/87, p. 9

Copeland places himself on the same level as Jesus Christ, and chants the words "I AM" which is a Masonic initiation term.

"He am healin', He am deliverance, He am financial prosperity, mental prosperity, physical prosperity, family prosperity. It's terrible grammar, but you understand what I'm sayin'. I'm sayin' it to effect my mind...And I say this with all respect so that it don't upset you too bad, but I say it anyway. When I read in the Bible where He says I AM, I just smile and say, 'Yes, I AM too.'" Believers Voice of Victory broadcast July 9 1987

During the ceremonies of the Masonic ritual for the Royah Arch degree, the candidate is asked, "Brother Inspector, what are you?" and he replies, "I AM THAT I AM."
When Jesus told the jews before Abraham was "I AM" he was claming to be the God of Moses who went by that name. This is why they tried to kill him immediately. Kenneth is claiming to be a God.

33rd Degree Freemason Robert Schuller also endorses his followers to chant "I AM" "The most effective mantras employ the "M" sound. You can get the feel of it by repeating the words, "I am, I am," many times over.... Transendental Meditation or TM... is not a religion nor is it necessarily anti-Christian." Peace of Mind Through Possibility Thinking, pp. 131-32

Benny Hinn who is possibly another Freemason, also tells Christians to chant "I AM." "Don't tell me you have Jesus. You are everything He was and everything He is and ever shall be.....Don't say, 'I have.' Say , 'I AM, I AM, I AM, I AM, I AM.' Our Position in Christ #2-The Word Made Flesh audiotape Side 2 1991

Another of Copeland's heritical teachings is his belief that God was gang raped and sodomised by homosexual Roman soldiers. If so then God's blood would be inpure and unable to redeem.

"Let me tell you something folks. Anybody in here that's ever been sexually abused, listen to me right now. Listen to me very carefully. The bible's very careful about the way it says these things. But down there in that dungeon, Romans, ungodly men, ungodly men, put him (Jesus) to every kind of abuse that you can think of. There is no sin that Jesus didn't bare. There is no thing, there is no such thing as a sexual abuse on somebody that Jesus doesn't know firsthand what it's all about. He's been where you are, I don't care what you've been through, Jesus has been through it. And everything's done to him that we we couldn't even speak of." The Resurrection Truth



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Monday, August 24, 2009

White House ‘Fact Check’ Site On Health Care Filled With Inaccuracies!

White House ‘Fact Check’ Site On Health Care Filled With Inaccuracies!

August 14, 2009 – The White House is in panic mode trying to sell its government-run health care reform plan to the American people. In fact, last week, the Administration asked supporters to report to the White House, by email, if they receive any information about health insurance reform that “seems fishy.” The Obama supporters are supposed to forward these emails (including the name and email of the person) to the “flag@whitehouse.gov” email box. It sounds like Obama is compiling an enemies list of anyone critical of his socialist plans for our health care system. This plan to gather emails violates 5 U.S. Code 552a(e)(7), which forbids any federal agency from maintaining a record of “how any individual exercises rights guaranteed by the First Amendment unless expressly authorized by statute or by the individual about whom the record is maintained or unless pertinent to and within the scope of an authorized law enforcement activity.”

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer have recently described opposition to Obama’s socialist plans as “un-American.”
Obama has set up a “fact check” section on the White House site to supposedly provide Americans with accurate information about his socialist plans, but it is filled with falsehoods and omissions. The site, claims that if you like your health care, you can keep it. This is false. Both the Associated Press and ABC News have debunked this claim. The Lewin Group conducted a study estimating that 114 million Americans may be forced out of their insurance plans, including 106 million who have employer-provided health care. The House health care bill states that after a 5-year grace period, insurance offerings will need federal approval for what is considered an “acceptable health plan.” If an employer doesn’t have an acceptable plan, they can be fined or banned from enrolling new employees in the program. This could force millions off their company plans into a government-run program.
President Obama admits that his goal is a “single payer” plan that will force Americans into a government-run program! (see entire clip) His supporters also admit this! They want to destroy private health insurance altogether! Yet, at a health care town hall in New Hampshire earlier this week, Obama denied that he supported the single payer system! How stupid does he think we are?

The website also says that “health insurance reform would be fully paid for over 10 years, and it will not add one penny to the deficit.” FALSE. The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that the House version of health care reform will add $239 billion to the deficit over ten years and the Senate version would add $1.042 trillion to the deficit over ten years. The House version keeps the deficit down to $239 billion because it proposes tax increases of $583 billion! The White House site also claims that Medicare will not face cuts under the Democrat plan. FALSE. Even the liberal New York Times rebuts this claim. It notes that Congress will trim Medicare payments for services in order to help fund the massive socialist system. An independent analysis shows that the House plan will slash Medicare to the tune of $361.9 billion! The Obama Administration claims that the health care reform bill benefits small businesses! FALSE! According to the National Federation of Independent Business, (which represents small businesses across the country), Obama’s plan would destroy jobs and reduce access to affordable health care by: threatening the viability of our nation’s job creators; failing to increase access and choice to all small businesses; destroying choice and competition for private insurance; and failure to address the core challenge facing small businesses – cost.

In a JAW DROPPING statement, President Obama undercuts his own arguments against his government-run health care plan by comparing the U.S. Post Office with FedEx and UPS!
Another Falsehood: 47 Million Can’t Get Health InsuranceOne of the most frequently recited distortions from President Obama is his claim that we have a health care crisis where 47 million Americans can’t get health care coverage! FALSE!It is a myth that 47 million Americans can’t get health insurance! The Employees Policies Institute has published a report that shows that of this 47 million: 18 million who can afford medical insurance but don't want it.8.4 million between the ages of 18 and 25 who think they are invulnerable.8 million children who qualify for coverage under some program but haven't been signed up.3.5 million adults who qualify for a government program but who have not signed up.12.6 million illegal aliens who are not supposed to be here.9.4 million who are in between jobs and only temporarily uninsured.This report clearly shows that there is really no health care insurance crisis! Yet, Congress is being rushed to pass legislation based on false information!
President Obama is in desperation mode over his health care reform efforts. He can see his goal of socializing our medical system slipping away. Perhaps his Hindu Monkey god lucky charm isn’t as effective as he thought it would be.

Abortion, Euthanasia & Rationing Of Care There are numerous sections in H.R. 3200 that will be used to mandate abortion as a federally-protected benefit. Section 123, Page 30 establishes a new board of federal bureaucrats (the "Health Benefits Advisory Committee") to dictate the health plans that all individuals must purchase-and would likely require all Americans to subsidize and purchase plans that cover any abortion. In Section 1713, Page 768, the bill provides funding for nurse home visits to encourage pregnancy outcomes or “increasing birth intervals between pregnancies.” This could be used for contraceptive distribution or advocating for abortion. Section 1714 outlines eligibility requirements for state family planning services. Since Obama considers abortion (what he calls reproductive health), it is likely that in order to get federal funding, a state must encourage abortion. When Republicans tried to add an amendment to H.R. 3200 that clearly stated that no taxpayer funds would go to fund abortion, it was defeated on a largely party line vote.President Obama considers abortion to be a key element in his health care reform effort. He has stated: “In my mind reproductive care is essential care, basic care so it is at the center, at the heart of the plan that I propose … Insurers are going to have to abide by the same rules in terms of comprehensive care, including reproductive care.” Obama’s views on euthanasia are also troublesome. Recently, he talked about his grandmother’s hip replacement surgery during the final weeks of her life.

He said such procedures may not be sustainable under his ideals for health care. As he stated: “I don’t know how much that hip replacement cost. I would have paid out of pocket for that hip replacement just because she’s my grandmother.” Obama said “you just get into some very difficult moral issues” when considering whether “to give my grandmother, or everybody else’s aging grandparents or parents, a hip replacement when they’re terminally ill. “That’s where I think you just get into some very difficult moral issues. The chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80 percent of the total health-care bill out here.” It sounds like if he’s willing to deny medical attention to his own grandmother, he’ll have no trouble at all denying medical care to yours. So, who gets to decide when someone is terminally ill? Under Obamacare, it will be a government bureaucrat – not your insurance company or physician who decides. Rush Limbaugh explains how end-of-life decisions will be determined by government bureaucrats. What about rationing? Under Section 1145, Page 272, cancer patients and their treatment are open to rationing. Section 1162 mandates “outcome-based measures,” which will result in rationing. Section 1233, Pages 425-426, will provide end-of-life resources. Page 425 mandates end of life consulting and planning. Other sections in 1233 deal with death planning.

Obamacare Creates 53 New Government BureaucraciesThe House version of Obama’s government-run health care program creates 53 new federal bureaucracies that will control our health care. They are:
Health Benefits Advisory Committee (Section 123, p. 30)
Health Choices Administration (Section 141, p. 41)
Qualified Health Benefits Plan Ombudsman (Section 144, p. 47)
Program of administrative simplification (Section 163, p. 57)

Retiree Reserve Trust Fund (Section 164(d), p. 70) READ ENTIRE LIST HERE The Senate version of Obama’s government-run health care plan includes grant money for building jungle gyms, sidewalks, bicycle paths, streetlights, grocery stores and new farmer’s markets! The amount of these grants will be determined by Obamunists in charge of the health care bureaucracy! Cities can also apply for grants for “beautifying streets.” Obama Will Have Access To Your Bank AccountPresident Obama’s health care reform bills give health officials electronic access to your bank account. The House version calls for the Secretary of Health and Human Services (pro-abortionist Kathleen Sebelius) to have quick access to a person’s bank account to determine if they’re eligible for health care services. The text of the bill also suggests that each American may have to carry a “machine-readable health plan beneficiary identification card.” The Senate version will require some sort of national tracking system requiring every health insurance provider to give the government the name, address, and taxpayer identification number in addition to “such other information as the secretary may prescribe.” In other words, this gives the Secretary of HHS power to gather whatever information she may want about a person and their medical history! Taxpayers are rightly outraged at billions being poured into a health care plan for such nonsense. A beautiful street has no relationship whatsoever with a person’s health insurance. This is simply another pork barrel project for liberal special interest groups!Senate Working On Yet Another PlanSenate Democrats are working on a “compromise” health plan in Finance Committee that lacks the “public health” option (code for socialized medicine) that the President said he wanted. Obama has been in talks with Sen. Max Baucus’ (D-MT) office over this. There is talk about developing a public-private co-op plan as a compromise. This still amounts to government control of the health care system and analysts think this plan will flop. Once it fails, then there will be another push for nationalized health care. Obama and his top aides are deeply involved in crafting this supposed compromise measure.President Obama clearly supports socialized medicine and the destruction of private health insurance in America. Any plan that he supports will be designed to accomplish this goal – maybe not in one bill – but incrementally. Having any bill that involves the federal government controlling health care will lead inevitably to the destruction of private health insurance and the destruction of the best health care system in the world.

TVC Chairman Rev. Louis P. Sheldon speaks out at a Town Hall meeting in California!
TAKE ACTION: Attend a Town Hall meeting and challenge your U.S. Representative and two U.S. Senators on Obama’s plan to take over our health care system. And, contact them and urge them to vote NO on any legislation that will socialize the finest health care system in the world! For additional information: GOP Health Care Solutions
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Friday, August 21, 2009

MSNBC Sees Gun, Shoots Self

MSNBC Sees Gun, Shoots Self
Thursday, August 20, 2009

I imagine many of you have seen this by now.

Several conservative bloggers, including Hot Air, RedState, and NewsBusters, have taken MSNBC to task for not identifying a man with a gun at an Obama event as an African-American in a segment that discussed the "racial overtones" of those packing heat at presidential town halls.

A combination of fancy editing and fast talking, both done stupidly because it's MSNBC (If a moron can make it in this business, hey, why not you?).

As expected, MSNBC just sloughs it off:

An MSNBC spokesperson responded to POLITICO: "Contessa was speaking generally and not about that specific person with the automatic weapon."

UPDATE: Bill Wilson, president of Americans for Limited Government, is now calling on MSNBC to fire those involved with the broadcast.

What's more surprising, that MSNBC did it and maybe doesn't even realize it, or that the Right expects accountability from someone paying Keith Olbermann six figures to do anything that requires continuing to breathe?

Don't get me wrong, it isn't as if I'm simply excusing it. But, consider the source. Their marketing slogan should be, MSNBC, the network that takes irrelevancy to the next level better than any one else around!

The Newsbuster's guy assigned to watch them regularly is the saddest guy in the bunch in all this. He or she deserves a raise.
