Mel Gibson's Passion for the Queen of Heaven
Proof The “Great Falling Away” Is Complete
“The Passion of the Christ” - A Sophisticated Sun Cult / Opus Dei
Mind Programming Operation, Marking Christians For A False Christ (Abridged Version)
Thousands, if not millions of young people have been introduced to hard-core pornography through this “Jesus” film, and had sinister things implanted in their minds. Yet thousands of pastors and ministries have called this film the “most inspired film” in their lifetimes. If you think those two sentences are opposites, you are correct. Something is seriously wrong here. This paper will show, sadly, that the thousands of pastors who praised The Passion are apparently not of the Biblical Christ, but of an angel of Light, showing that the Great Falling Away prophesied in the Bible 2,000 years ago has been completed. As you shall shortly see, this film was made by men and women in high level Illuminati witchcraft, targeting Christians... and that those who watched it, and the ministries who promoted it have been deceived, now permanently marked “in their foreheads”, i.e. their minds. The Passion proves how the “Mark of the Beast” will capture all of Christianity without force. There are many whom the Holy Spirit warned not to see this film, but this was a very tiny group indeed. This film exposed many ministers “of God”, proving they cannot or do not listen to God's Voice, for after reading this, it will be clear that the God of the Bible did not have anything to do with this sinister film.
This film is raw blasphemy, an extremely sophisticated, hi-tech psy-op by the world's premier mind-control occultists, Opus Dei, The Society of Jesus (which is a military special Ops corp), and Jewish Cabala, to set the stage for antichrist's final world religion, and to destroy the last vestige of true Christianity, using porn and lesbian stars, hidden soundtracks, and witchcraft. After reading this, you will agree, that 99% of churches and Christian ministries who praised this film are either cognizant or unconscious agents of Lucifer, as the Bible says, “God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie; that they all might be damned who held not to the Truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” This paper will describe how Christians who watch this film are damned by God, and how THE GREAT FALLING AWAY, comprising more than 99% of born-again Christians, is complete!
But I fear, that by some means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted... For if he that comes preaches another Jesus.. or if you receive another spirit... or another gospel... you just might go along with him. ... For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan also transforms himself into an angel of light. So it is no great surprise if his ministers also are transformed as ministers of righteousness. - II Corinthians 11
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Kids lining up for their MARK - thanks, Pastors! |
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Bellucci: Euro Queen of Porn |
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Celentano: lesbian porn star |
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Gerini: porn star |
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Caviezel sex scene with Jennifer Lopez |
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Forbidden worship: Queen of Heaven, Medjugorje, Bosnia |
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Emmerich's Eye of Horus or Lucifer - source of Passion script, NOT N.T.! |
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Left Hand (Gibson) grips THE NAIL (Lucifer) to defeat Christ |
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Icon Productions: |
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Pagan Ash cross |
Pornography for young Passion fans
Note #1: Ritual sex and blood during worship are the hallmarks of Masons, Bush's Skull and Bones, Jewish Cabala (see the Old Testament for details), Illuminism, Paganism, Witchcraft, Knights, and the Jesuits, who took over the Vatican at least as early as 1621 (collectively, The Sun Cult). Lucifer, who understands the rules of God better than anyone, perverted the Biblical beauty of these -- sexuality and blood -- into something despicable and horrible, and since the garden of Eden has required the shedding of human blood and ritual sex when his agents worship him or desire power. This is why his Hollywood agents, especially Jewish Cabalists, are pushing violence and perverted sex - Mel Gibson is no exception. Note #2: Pornography, per Webster, is “the depiction of erotic behavior -- in writing or in pictures -- intended to cause sexual excitement.” Mel Gibson has an eye for pornography!
Monica Bellucci - Europe's Italian porn star numero uno, chosen for the beautiful story of righteous Mary Magdelene. She recently played Persephone, Greek goddess of hell, the Queen of America (the statue on top of the US Capitol). In a film previous to The Passion, Monica starred in Irreversible, containing the sickest mix of blood, brutality and perversion ever presented to mainstream film; so perverse that hardened, non-Christian film critics walked out in droves in disgust, worldwide. Director Gasper Noe is proud to be “king of the New Pornography” (brutal sex / arousing brutality), and says his goal was such extreme violence and sex that viewers would be physically sick. He used stroboscopic sequences and subliminal infrasound that assaults the brain and wrenches the stomach, old Cold War psy-ops technology. Noe glowed describing a screening he saw in Canne, France, where people around him passed out, vomited - 250 walked out during a nude, 10-minute, brutal Bellucci rape, and a long, insane smashing of a man's head until his brains spewed across the floor of a gay bar, while naked men cheered. Some required medical attention. Porn star Monica and husband also perform intimate intercourse, in full frontal nudity, like a peep show in Thailand, shocking pro film critics, to which their reviews attest. Monica herself says her performance in this film is “disturbing.” Millions of Christian young people have now been exposed to hard-core porn by their new movie stars, as an Internet search of “Monica Bellucci” turns up over 100,000 porn sites. Did chain-smoking Gibson & his Jesuits choose the God-mocking whore of Europe Intentionally? My research says yes.
Rosalinda Celentano - Italian lesbian porn star, chosen by Mel, his Vatican team, and Jewish Cabalist Casting Director Shaila Rubin (who was only the second person known to have received an advance Passion script), to play a bisexual satan. Rosalinda -- chosen by the guidance of the “holy” spirit -- stars mostly in lesbian films. Recently she starred in a sodomy film so despicable that it could only be shown in the US in select gay venues, such as Palm Springs International Film Festival and Los Angeles Outfest. The English title was Diary Of A Male Porn Star. A Desert Sun reviewer said it “unapologetically celebrates the joy of [gay] sex, the glories of Italian men and the diversity of family.” In an earlier film, Le Donne Non Vogliono Piu, Rosalinda plays a lesbian who decides to allow a man in her sex group as a sperm producer, as all wanted a baby. “Holy Spirit” material? Or just normal Catholic fare al la Boston and the mess Luther discovered in Rome? In any case, an Internet search again pulls up thousands of porn and gay sex sites.
Claudia Gerini - chosen by The Sun Cult to play Pontius Pilate's wife, is, you guessed it, an Italian porn star, with lesbian and gay film credits. In her film La Vespa E La Regina (When Gods Meet), she plays a musician in a lesbian, 4-letter-word rock band. She meets a gay man, and they decide to try sex with each other to fulfill a dying grandmother's wish. Again, young viewers of The Passion who seek a fan club on the Internet will be immersed in porn and perversion. So far, we have proven that this “inspired” film and “witnessing opportunity of a lifetime” contains a more perverse and pornographic cast than any mainstream movie in American history, bar none. Next, we look at the Witchcraft and satanic symbols chosen by the Sun Cult directors.
Witchcraft and Satanism
James Caviezel - practician of witchcraft, chosen by Cabala, Vatican and Gibson to play a blasphemous Jesus in Passion. Caviezel has gotten wealthy accepting money from Jesuit, Cabalistic Hollywood, based in “Los Angeles” (which means the “Hail Mary” part of the Rosary). In return, he obeyed his “spirit guide” -- the Queen of Heaven -- and portrayed passionate lust and fornication on camera, opposite semi- or fully-nude Hollywood sex divas Jennifer Lopez, Ashley Judd, and Dagmara Dominczyk. Caviezel admits worshipping, praying, bowing to and obeying an angelic being which is NOT Jesus. For those who don't read the Bible, God calls this witchcraft in no uncertain terms. Jim visits Medjugorje in Bosnia often to kneel before a statue of the Queen of Heaven, whom he “invited into his life” before being chosen for Passion. “The catharsis for me to play this role was through Medjugorje, through Gospa. In preparation, I used all that Medjugorje taught me.” Oh.
This un-holy spirit “called” Jim to acting while in a theater watching Ghost, which portrays witches (mediums) helping evil people, dead and alive, to obtain heaven, bypassing Jesus. The real Jesus said, “No man comes to the Father, but by me.” This is the eternal test of witchcraft. Caviezel, the “holy” spirit's choice?
Mel Gibson based “the most accurate Jesus film ever” on a pagan mystic (i.e. someone who prefers to listen to a spirit-being other than Jesus, forbidden as witchcraft throughout the Bible) named Anne Catherine Emmerich. He carried numerous “holy” relics with him, including a patch of Emmerich's clothing. Mel presents himself as a recovering alcoholic whose newfound righteousness moves him to condemn the Vatican as pagan, which he and his father believe has been ruled by Freemason popes since heretic-pope John XXIII (Roncalli) in 1958 -- Vatican II -- through John Paul II. (Freemasonry confirmed by Vatican insiders: Piers Compton, Malachi Martin, etc. From Masonry's bible, Morals & Dogma, it is proven that Lucifer is god of the Lodge. In Latin, Lucifer and Venus, the morning star, are interchangeable.) Yet now the discerning among you have caught Mel Gibson in a lie. For by his own admission (EWTN interview), the movie set was swarming with Jesuits. The asst. producer was baptized personally by Pope John Paul II, and is Opus Dei, a demonic youth-recruiting brainwashing cult with thousands of complaints from brokenhearted parents in the US and worldwide. His father is top brass in Opus Dei and the Pope's right-hand man. The film's dialogue was written by a mocking Jesuit named William Fulco, a professor of ancient Mediterranean studies at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, and a graduate of occultic Yale. Believe me, the text which Americans cannot understand is replete with 4-letter words, deliberately false translations and mockery. Make no mistake! Mel made this film under the full authority of the Secret Military Op known as the Society of Jesus, infamous for centuries for controlling the governments of the world, and for their demonic philosophy, “be all things to all men” in order to rule and control all men, adopting pagan gods in order to prevent the spread of Christianity in foreign lands... which got them banned by the Vatican and all European nations by 1773... and which Pope was immediately murdered. Mel himself has Jesuit certification from Loyola Marymount. Mel is a cognizant tool of Lucifer, to help the SJ fulfill its 450-year old plan to destroy American Christianity, and after a horrific Holocaust redux which will make the first one fade in importance, and thereafter rule the world by Luciferian Communism. All Masonic orders, including Bush's Yale Skull and Bones, are under the Jesuits (or Jewish Cabala, whichever name you prefer), and all their efforts are engaged to this goal.
Secret Signs of Lucifer
Gibson & friends created a new national jewelry fad, THE NAIL. As Jesuits, Mormons, Masons, Jewish Cabalists and Satanists know, “The Nail” is a not-so-secret code name for Satan, the Hebrew letter "V", pronounced “vav.” Lucifer is stating this film is his, and that through it he is conquering the Body of Christ (a correct assessment, as the Bible prophesied 2,000 years ago). Hundreds of thousands of “Christians” now wear the mark of Lucifer not only permanently in their foreheads, but around their necks. Amazing, isn't it? This film delights in the brutal, systematic murder and death of Christ, as do all who display the “broken cross” with a mutilated Christ figure on it. Ex Illuminati witches and priests can tell you what a cross with that body on it really means. Gibson insisted on personally driving THE NAIL (Lucifer) into the hand (power) of Christ. When asked in a TV interview if that was his hand, he affirmed it, emphasizing, “Yes, that is my LEFT HAND. In Cabala and Illuminism, “Left Hand” is another term for Lucifer. This was also a coy satanic reference to The Left Hand Path, associated with the Church of Satan, and also meaning “religions which advocate more than one god.“ (Wikipedia). In high-level occultism, the LEFT EYE means Lucifer (Blavatsky, et al), and represents the emotional door to the brain. Through most of the film, “Jesus” uses only the left eye, and the film producer, Mel Gibson's Icon Productions, uses the left eye of an icon of the Queen of Heaven.
“For I am going to raise up a shepherd over the land who will not care for the lost, or seek the young, or heal the injured, or feed the healthy, but will eat the meat of the choice sheep, tearing off their hoofs. Woe to the icon shepherd that leaves the flock! The sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall completely wither, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.” - Zechariah 11:17
(Icon Productions does not produce Christian films.) The movie was released on ancient pagan “Ash Wednesday,” a pagan holiday pre-dating Jesus, beginning an ancient 40-day fast leading up to sexual human sacrifice rituals, and having absolutely nothing to do with Christianity or the Bible, again proving occultism of Gibson and this film. Many people walked out of Ash services into Mel's satanic film, wearing the Mark of Cain (or Nimrod, Sun god, Suncross) on their foreheads, a suncross with 4 equal arms. Doesn't this break your heart, dear reader?
“Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first... The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” - 2nd Thessalonians 2:3-12
Through this film, we have seen how thousands of pastors, evangelists and ministries, and millions of professing Christians, have completely failed to heed God's Voice, proving also that they cannot discern the spirits, and that they are false prophets, blind leaders of the blind. This is why this film is so important. You have seen here, that most who use the name Christian are not Christian at all, for Jesus said, “My sheep hear my Voice.” You have seen firsthand that pastors and ministries are following Lucifer, who appears as Jesus, i.e. as an angel of light, yet they all believe they are ministers and missionaries for God, with a correct understanding of the Gospel and the Bible. Yet they are liars. This is a heavy and very depressing truth, but a very valuable lesson for those who love God more than themselves.
In closing, there is one more thing to know: that in the very severe hardship and horror about to come over America and the world (starting this year with a financial catastrophe), you must separate yourselves from these false churches and ministries. If a missionary or pastor could not discern the very obvious fact that this film was from Lucifer, how will they lead you through the incredible deceptions coming in the next couple years? Never in history has it been more important to “come out of Egypt, that you not partake in her curses.” If you do not separate yourselves from these false Christians, you will come under the severe judgment and death (physical and spiritual) which God is ready to unleash on this blaphemous church. These are the pastors and evangelists, who have preached the Freemasonry message of Billy Graham, that we must “just invite Jesus into our lives” but who cannot disern spirits, or sin, or the enemy, and who do not teach the second part of salvation, which is the complete, full, unconditional surrender of our will, our dreams, our daily decisions to God. There are those who say, “If they are preaching Jesus, then it is okay.” This is a lie of Lucifer as well. THERE ARE MANY FALSE JESUS CHRISTS BEING TAUGHT, AND MANY FALSE GOSPELS. The Jesus presented in The Passion will send many to hell through a false gospel! Wake up, people! - don't you see what Lucifer is doing through America? Lucifer's main job is building churches, not witch covens! Don't you know what the obelisk and temple of Jupiter in Washington, D.C. mean?! Don't you know that George Bush and Ashcroft are Luciferians dedicated to the destruction of the last remnant of true Christianity? Every American Evangelical and Charismatic leader whose name is known is a wolf in sheep's clothing, and in bed with Lucifer! I have a library full of evidence, but here, with this film, God is bypassing the books so that all the world can see that the American Christianity is a lie, and worse - it works for Lucifer. Be very careful... most pastors and evangelists are very stubborn, determined people -- they tend to do things because they want to, because they have a vision, and the ability and will to make it happen... NOT because God asked them to, and NOT because each day they hear specific instructions. These people are not humble before God, or before man. They say a prayer each morning, then go out and follow the leading of their own corrupt heart. God has sent false spirits to teach them... STAY AWAY FROM THESE MEN AND WOMEN OF STRONG WILL, for their way is not God's way! You have been given the Holy Spirit, so you can hear for yourself!
Stop back weekly for much more research material to be posted about the witchcraft and Illuminism of The Passion, including a summary of the 150-year falling away, links exposing the “Christian” ministries which promoted this mind-control project, details of the End Game of Lucifer and the many symbols and events he has already programmed into the false American Christian Church.
- Baruch Hersche, Switzerland, April 6, 2004
NOTE: (3.Mar.2004) This page was blocked for a few days through a worldwide rerouting of the path URL - so that links from Google, Cutting Edge, Dr. Henry Makow and others were rendered useless, and I apologize to those who have tried to read it recently. Apparently the appearance on the front page of Cutting Edge caught the eye of someone at the Jesuit / Cabala Beast HQ, and I would guess it was blocked for about 1 week, just as thousands were trying to read it. Fortunately, many thousands read it first - and can now read it again. If the SUN CULT loved the introduction, they will certainly love parts 2, 3 and 4. This blocking was not done on my server, which is run by a friend, and could only have been done from the very top of the world's network of 13 Internet hubs, who control domain routing and such, which are run by Cabala and the orgs mentioned in this article. This is actually great news, for if the antichrist does not block something, then it is sufficiently blasé and full of error (does not expose antichrist) to get the enemy's stamp of approval. Don't forget, Lucifer poses as an angel of light, and his highest intelligence is used to build false churches and seminaries and to train pastors in darkness or at least intellectual sermons, devoid of power, for his power is greater than the intellectual power of the whole world, but cannot stop just one man filled with the raw power of God.
There are only two things which bother the Sun Cult: 1) shining the light on their hidden plans to destroy powerful Christianity with a fake Christianity; and 2) teaching people to dig out pride and paganism, and how to tear down strongholds in the Spirit. These are the only weapons which destroy the Sun Cult (antichrist). The Sun Cult laughs at evangelists who teach “just accept Jesus”, for Christianity without power (miracles, and tearing down principalities) cannot touch the Illuminati, who are not humanists but very “advanced” in the very considerable power of Lucifer. Lucifer can very easily overcome Christians who “just believe” and who “accept Jesus”, for this teaching is from he himself, and his many agents inside the Church. If you do not know how to tear down strongholds, and don't understand how the enemy works and how to discern which groups are working for him, then you are the best friend of the Sun Cult and are yourself antichrist, for the antichrist is not one man, but a spirit and very clever system.
Please feel free to copy and post this article in its entirety, to the glory of God, and in the war against Satan. There is no copyright on my material, for none of it originated with me, as the Latin word "inspirio" makes clear. At this point in my walk, I belief it is wrong for me to charge for the truth; truth without which Christians are perishing. Every time I see a broadcast or website asking for money or selling subscriptions, I also find doctrines and news which leads people astray. There is something key here about money and the Gospel, which goes back to the RAGE of The Christ, against Pharisees, Sanhedrin, Scribes, and blasphemous money-making in the temple area. If you guessed that Cabala is behind Catholic Indulgences, you are getting warmer. Obviously, the truth herein has touched a secret, dark, pride-drenched nerve. There are no secrets with God, and no secret societies of whom God approves, for all who love God love the light, and gain power by exposing themselves to the light. Those who love secrets and engage in secret activities are of the darkness of prince of this world, building up a retirement account of awesome vengeance and wrath before the courts of their Maker, the God of Abraham, whose presence results in the humility and servitude... and POWER of Moses. If my sense is correct, this Film is like the last call by Noah before the door swings shut on the ark, Mercy is ended, and all hell breaks loose on the earth, and God's wrath on the Illuminati and the destruction of their plans. A tiny group will survive until near the end of the horror God will unleash on earth starting this year, not because they beat God, but God will use them to purify His people, whose wayward path has been exposed by this evil film - and then the surviving Cabalists will find out just what the wrath of God really is, for it will not be administered by man, but God Himself... forever. Suddenly, those who creep in darkness, behind curtains and puppet strings and secrecy, will find out that the serpent not only lied to Eve, but he lied to them as well! What a horrible ending! The door is swinging shut... Are you in the ark? Or in the Dark? Praise Yahweh, that vengeance is not mine, but belongs to the Holy King of the universe, who has crushed the Queen of Heaven and the head of Cabala's serpent!
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light. Therefore He says: “Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.” See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
- Ephesians 5:11-16
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1 comment:
Hello! I found your website. My name is Anders Branderud, I am 23 years and I am from Sweden.
You write about Christ; but you haven't yet realized that the historical pro-Torah Ribi Yehoshua and the post-135 C.E. anti-Torah Christ is two different persons.
Ribi Yehoshua said:
"Don't think that I came to uproot the Torah or the Neviim [prophets], but rather I came to reconcile them with the Oral Law of emet (truth). Should the heavens and ha-aretz (the land, particularly referring to Israel) exchange places, still, not even one ' (yod) nor one ` (qeren) of the Oral Law of Mosheh shall so much as exchange places; until it shall become that it is all being fully ratified and performed non-selectively. For whoever deletes one Oral Law from the Torah, or shall teach others such, by those in the Realm of the heavens he shall be called "deleted." Both he who preserves and he who teaches them shall be called Ribi in the Realm of the heavens. For I tell you that unless your Tzedaqah (righteousness) is over and above that of the Sophrim and of the [probably 'Herodian'] Rabbinic-Perushim (corrupted to "Pharisees"), there is no way you will enter into the Realm of the heavens! “
Netzarim Reconstruction of Hebrew Matityahu 5:17-20.
For words that you don’t understand; se ; the link to Glossaries at the first page.
Ribi Yehoshua warned for false prophets who don’t produce good fruit = defined as don’t practise the commandments in Torah according to Halakhah (oral Torah). See Devarim (Deuteronomy) 13:1-6.
If you don’t follow Ribi Yehoshuas Torah-teachings, than you don’t follow Ribi Yehoshua.
Finding the historical Jew, who was a Pharisee Ribi and following him brings you into Torah, which gives you a rich and meaningful life here on earth and great rewards in life after death (“heaven”)!
From Anders Branderud
Geir Toshav, Netzarim in Ra’anana in Israel ( who are followers of Ribi Yehoshua – the Messiah – in Orthodox Judaism
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