Friday, August 09, 2013

More Advice

I was almost convinced by a few of the posts that I read on this blogpost that maybe this conversation was counter-productive but after reading YOUR post, I realized it was a HUGE MISTAKE NOT to talk about this
I agree that the blaming posture is not helpful BUT I believe that ALL things “in the dark, so to speak” should be BROUGHT TO LIGHT.
I believe EVERYTHING should be OPEN for examination and NO TOPIC — no matter how “offensive” should be overlooked. Black people collectively have already spent FAR too much time in denial and avoidance and now we are reaping a BITTER HARVEST by NOT doing what should have been done a long time ago
The Tommy Sotomayors of the black community aren’t interested in telling the truth. They aren’t interested in solving any problems. They’re not offering constructive criticism, what they’re doing is acting out their MONSTROSITY PERSONALITIES and ISSUES at the EXPENSE OF BLACK FEMALES
and while the white elites are creating a BLACK SCAPEGOAT SCENARIO by blaming all their crimes on black people and putting a black face on everything that angers white people (which is why President Obama was (S)ELECTED)
black males like Sotomayor are creating a BLACK FEMALE SCAPEGOAT SCENARIO by putting a BLACK FEMALE FACE on everything that angers black males — and in essence are GIVING BLACK MALES PERMISSION TO DEGRADE AND HARM AND KILL BLACK FEMALES
and the white supremacy system created this NEED via the gangsta rap, TV, movies, etc that shows a DEGRADED AND UGLY IMAGE of black females, in particular, the DARK-SKINNED BLACK FEMALE
and sadly, many black males — even those with dark-skinned mothers, daughters, sisters, etc
it is NOT black females that have eliminated black males from the workforce, or who have unjustly incarcerated them, or who have pumped 50 bullets into their unarmed bodies, or who have allowed the Zimmermans to murder black people and walk free.
YET some black males show MORE HATRED for black females than for the white people who are HARMING THEM
WORDS ARE POWERFUL, and white people have used them against black people successfully — and those WORDS affect whether we get that JOB or not, whether we get that LOAN or not, whether we go to JAIL or not, and whether a white policeman can TAKE OUR LIFE AND GET AWAY WITH IT or not.
Why would anyone think that black females LIVES are NOT BEING EQUALLY AFFECTED by these harsh, heartless and condemning WORDS from black males who are supposed to love and care for us? If we cannot count on black males to protect and defend us who are we supposed to turn to?
Thank you for your post. It brought to mind the SERIOUSNESS of the words of Sotomayor AND what a DANGEROUS ROAD black males and black females are traveling on
because even while I write this black people are being PURGED from american society, from the schools, the workplaces, even from PARTICIPATION in elections and society at general (due to the increasing number of black felons AKA “The New Jim Crow” — all while being BLAMED for the collapse of “American society” by the frustrated and frightened white masses.
For any black male (or female) who is IN a SINKING SHIP full of HOLES to spend ANY amount of time trying to drown another black person INSTEAD of asking them to help PLUG UP the holes so NO ONE WILL DROWN
that is the best evidence of a PERSON WHO HAS BECOME A DANGEROUS MONSTROSITY instead of a degraded person who is determined to RECLAIM THE HUMANITY AND HUMANNESS that was stolen from them. .

Trojan Pam
who said: “After suffering for hundreds of years, many black males can see no suffering except their own. No matter what happens they are ALWAYS THE ONLY victims.
The black male collective relates to black women and others in a very narcissistic way. Past and present injustices justify their right to functions outside of any sort of just ethical/moral framework. In other words, they have given themselves a “Black Male Victimhood Pass”.
This pass allows the bearer the right to rape, murder, sexually/financially exploit, menace, degrade and emotionally neglect black women and black children who do not play-their-positions or if the bearer (BMV) is bored. They are blinded by their own anger at not receiving the full patriarchal goody bag at birth.
The blood in the streets that belongs to their mothers, sisters, and daughters goes unnoticed. Perhaps the blood has been there for so long its existence no longer registers as unusual by black males and many black females.”
This is the kind of TRUTH that many black females are afraid to express lest we appear to working “against the black male” and working on behalf of “the (white) man.”
Black females largely remain silent in the face of so much collective black male abuse and ridicule OUT OF FEAR of alienating black males whose ties to black females are already so FRAGILE that just the least bit of LEGITIMATE CRITICISM may break them altogether
BUT that is a RISK we must take because we cannot go on like this. We cannot continue to ALLOW the black female to be ANYONE’S punching bag YET expect her to raise (often alone) MENTALLY HEALTHY BLACK CHILDREN — who are the FUTURE of the black nation.
Unfortunately, I have seen the attitudes you described above — of all my life, that black males are largely silent when it come to the abuse and degradation of black females YET expect the black female to make up the BLACK VANGUARD in those issues that primarily affect black males.
Black girls and women’s abuse is always swept under the rug and just mentioning them is seen as DIVISIVE by those black males who believe that ONLY they are the real victims because in their minds ONLY men are important — let’s be real about that.
This ATTEMPTED SEXISM (because REAL sexism requires REAL POWER) is something that seemed to take wings in the early sixties when white males like Daniel Moynihan cunningly blamed black females for the “emasculation” of black males RATHER than RIGHTFULLY blaming white people — and gave the poor oppressed black a NEW target for his frustration and rage:
the black female
I believe the NUMBNESS of black males toward black female suffering is NOT because they are heartless, but because they have been rendered POWERLESS during and after slavery to stop the abuse of their women and children that after a while, they began to NORMALIZE and INTERNALIZE the belief that the black female was NOT worthy of uplifting OR protecting because they had FAILED at doing it for so long.
We all live under a white supremacy ANTI-FEMALE, ANTI-BLACK, and ANTI-BLACK FEMALE society, which has all but CRUSHED the ability to EMPATHIZE with the most DEGRADED PERSON in America: the black female, especially, the dark-skinned black female,
And I see this lack of empathy that black females have for OTHER black females.
I think you have dug DEEP in your analysis and have made some serious points worthy of extended food for thought
I also believe that rather than always suggesting that black females do more INTERNAL work on ourselves (which most of us desperately need)
black males need to DOUBLE their FOCUS on their OWN internal housekeeping
we will NOT be able to solve the problem of eliminating racism/white supremacy without the black male AND black female working TOGETHER, so we better work on respecting, supporting, and valuing each other while we still have TIME.

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