Sunday, May 26, 2019

Jesus Christ did exist.

Discussion on Premier  647 comments
Unbelievable: 30-03-2019 14:30
Nixak*77*  TylerB  2 months ago
My Top 5 Arguments Why a Historical Yeshua [aka 'Jesus'] Existed:
1: The fact that we're even having this 'debate' 2000 YRS after Yeshua's advent is evidence that He actually did exist.

2: The fact that Yeshua was even written about by 9 - 10 different NT authors [including at-least 1 & perhaps 2 of Yeshua's own brothers] is evidence that He did indeed exist.

3: The fact that at-least 2 first century NON-Xtian historians [Josephus: a Judean Levite, & Tacitus: a Roman senator] documented that Yeshua was indeed crucified upon orders of Roman imperial governor of Judea Pontius Pilate, is good evidence that He did indeed exist. Also note that Josephus states Yeshua had a brother of note named Ya'akov [Jacob aka 'St James'] the Just [ha Tsadeek] & also that Yeshua's & Ya'akov's kinsman Yokhanon [aka 'John'] the Baptist also existed.

4: That Yeshua's movement had reached Rome itself within just 3.5 - 4 decades after His crucifixion. IMO it is very noteworthy that someone from a small foreign occupied / subjugated country on an entirely different continent, who was executed as an enemy of the Roman Imperial State, could have had such an impact in the very heart of that self-same empire in such a short time-span all while His Judean homeland was still under Roman occupation [Note: there were no cars & trains, nor telegraphs, TVs or radios, NOR even any printing-presses, daily newspapers, nor even a general empire-wide mail-service]- Even presuming they indeed did exist [IMO this is almost unprecedented]... Let alone how a NON-existent person of occupied Judea could possibly have such an impact in Rome itself so quickly.
- And apparently none of you Rich Carrier type 'Jesus Mythicists' have any wannabe 'clever' {non}'explanation' to try to explain away that fact!!

5: The discovery of the Talpiot Tomb in Jerusalem, See 'The Lost Tomb of Jesus'.
A couple of 'Jesus Mythicist' Rich Carrier type favorite arguments against:
- That the prototypes for the allegedly 'mythical' Yeshua [aka 'Jesus'] were persons who mostly lived centuries after Yeshua did [one did have a lifespan which partially overlapped Yeshua's, but the prime of his 'career' occured after Yeshua's crucifixion- Note this person quite unlike Yeshua, he was a Roman citizen & thus was NOT crucified nor even executed at-all, & lived to a ripe old age- Humm...].

- Carrier has to spend [too] much effort trying to discredit what both Josephus & Tacitus document re Yeshua's crucifixion = Carrier & his ilk has to try to 'explain away' real non-Biblical evidence for His existence!!

PS: The probability for Yeshua's existence is either 1 or 0 = either He did exist or he didn't. There is NO 'in-between' percentages re the issue. One must decide whether or NOT to believe that He did exist- PERIOD!!

PS-2: I predict that scholars & ordinary folk too will be studying the significance of the Bible & the impact of Yeshua's message, loooong after Rich Dawkins' [& the rest of his new Atheist ilk, too] 'God Delusion' madcap rant has been long forgotten! And Ditto for Rich Carrier's BS 'Jesus Mythicism, too!!

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