Wednesday, October 09, 2019


 Nixak*77*  bblais  2 months ago
This almost sounds if you think the Universe will 'soon' collapse in on itself via gravitational attraction, when in-fact most cosmologists say it will continue to expand indefinitely.

Be that as it may... Explain how you can have gravity [gravitational energy] without mass &/or energy??
} Gravity (from Latin gravitas, meaning 'weight'), or gravitation, is a natural phenomenon by which all things with mass or energy—including planets, stars, galaxies, and even light—are brought toward (or gravitate toward) one another. On Earth, gravity gives weight to physical objects, and the Moon's gravity causes the ocean tides.
-> gravitational-force 'F' = G [(m1 * m2)/r^{2}] - where G = the gravitational-constant {in the form of (m^3)/[(kg^2)*(s^2)] }, m1 = mass of object-1, m2 = mass of object-2, & r = dist between the centers of mass of m1 & m2 ] {

So again, how can gravity exist in the absence of mass &/or energy??

Nixak*77*  3 days ago
As soon as I saw this story being hyped about the slain-victim's brother hugging & forgiving his brother's killer-cop, I had a problem w it.

Black folks are expected to be forgiving, even before the culprit is charged [let alone tried, convicted & serving time], often Xs even when the culprit will NOT be charged!! This ain't the first time a Black victim's family member(s) have talked about forgiving a white culprit [especially if they're a white cop], but IMO this is particularly problematic that not only the Black victim's brother felt the need to console the white-woman killer-cop culprit, but also the Black woman judge & Black woman court-guard, too.

I mean how much consoling did the white-woman judge, prosecutor & jury give to Trayvon Martin's mom when KIller-ZMan stalked-down & gunned him down?? The cops & MSM media 'spun' & 'tarred' Trayvon as a thug who deserved to get shot-down!! Ditto Big Mike Brown when Killer-cop Wilson gunned him down execution style [shot him 8 - 9Xs w 3 shots to the top of 6ft-4in 'Big Mike's' head]. Did the cops & MSM media talk about the fact that Big Mike was due to start college that week?? Hell NO! He was made out to be a strong-arm thug who deserved to get gunned-down like an animal & his body left to rot in the hot sun for 4.5 HRS!!
- Has the FOP & that slain Philly cop's widow forgiven Mumia, for a murder he most likely did NOT even do? Hell NO!! Ditto for the MOVE folks who the Philly cops attacked & then forced into a 'shoot-out'! No forgiveness there, either!! They just locked-up the MOVE folks & threw away the damn-key!! And what about Assatta Shakkur, have the cops forgiven a 70 yr old grand-mother for getting damn-near killed in a shoot-out w the cops? Hell NO! Instead they got a Black POTUS & his Black US-AG to double-up the ante' / bounty on her head!!
- Hell we can't even get Repug POTUS Trump to forgive the Central Park 5, even tho they've been officially fully exonerated w a full confession by the true culprit & the City of New York officially exonerating & paying them restitution!! None of that matters to the Trumpster, who's made it clear if it were up to him, the Central-Park 5 would be on death-row [or even hung by now], not even giving a damn about the fact that when they were falsely charged, their ages ranged from just 14 to NOT more than 16!!
- And we won't even talk about O.J!! NO forgiveness there, despite the fact that he was found not-guilty in a well publicized / widely viewed court trial!!! But hey, 'mainstream' USA seems to have forgiven that racist ex-cop Mark Fuhrman, tho. And 'main-stream' USA has lot only forgiven, but has effectively forgotten all about Robert Blake!
FYI: In just a few days will be the Biblical Holy-Day of Yom-Kippur / the Day of Atonement. It's a day for one to ask [or even beg] for forgiveness for the wrong one has done. But if one is to be forgiven they must humble themselves, even to the point of [as it says in the Bible] - 'Afflicting One's Soul'!! 'Afflicting One's Soul' when one knows they've committed a serious offense(s), is like one metaphorically speaking- Flogging oneself / sack-cloth & ashes, getting-down on one's knees &/or even crawling on one belly & pleading for forgiveness!! Euro-Xtianity, especially slave-oriented Euro-Xtianity has, as Jacqueline.L, says given folks [especially Black folks] a real skewed [screwed-up] view of what one must do to seek atonement & forgiveness!! When King David screwed-up by taking another man's wife & then gave orders to set him up to be killed in battle..., When confronted by the Man of God, David confessed & he was 'forgiven' -But- David had to pay a hi-price for that 'forgiveness'!! First the child of that illicit relationship died in birth, despite David's prayers that the child be spared. Then David's children of his household just went nuts, even to the point David's favorite son & heir-apparent led a revolt against him, & violated [IE: raped] several of his father's concubines in full view of the House of Israel [As you David took another man's wife in secret, so shall another take your wives in full view of all of Israel]!! David had to eat & swallow all of that! Yet the Bible says David was the 'Apple of God's Eye' to the point He made an everlasting covenant w David. Now how many could handle paying such a hi-price for 'forgiveness'??! Most folks expect forgiveness on the cheap, even without bothering to confess wrong-doing & then saying they're sorry, let alone paying a just price for 'forgiveness'!!

Nixak*77*  bblais  2 months ago
What do you mean by 'the 'net energy' of the Universe appears to be zero'?? So do you think the net mass of the Universe = zero, too?? I know that the net electrical charge of the Universe is basically zero [simply means there are as many protons in the Universe as there are electrons, beginning at the atomic level], but that don't mean the net energy of the Universe also = 0... IMO that would mean that the average temp of the Universe = 'absolute zero' [- 460`F / - 273'C] essentially everywhere, which is obviously NOT so. Heck not even the average temps of the gas-giant / ice-giant planets in our solar-system are at absolute zero.

Nixak*77*  2 months ago
So per atheist philosopher Alex.M, infinite egress could be possible because at-times weird stuff can happen- Except when it comes to Yeshua & the Resurrection [or even walking on water], Moses Parting the Red Sea, or Joshua Praying to Stop the Sun from Setting- Then per Alex' ilk those types of ‘weird’ stuff [aka miracles] can’t happen, Humm...
- Uhm Alex.M, obviously pushing the beginning of anything [IE: the beginning of the Universe] to the infinite past, is a logical & mathematical impossibility, because you could never actually arrive at the present from an infinite past [by definition you'd always be winding the clock backwards & thus could never run it forward to even try to get to here & now from 'there'].

Then Alex talks about an infinite chain of people borrowing money from each other –Except- Humanity does NOT represent an infinite chain- Duhh!! Per evolutionary biologists & geneticists, humans first originated circa 200K – 300K ypb & there have ‘only’ been about 100 bn – 200 bn total humans born since then [FYI: approx 7.5 bn total humans exist now]. Plus the invention of money does not even date back to the beginning of humanity, that was invented much later. So Uhm Alex, that by definition does NOT / can NOT = an infinite chain of humans borrowing money- Duhh 2Xs!! But this effectively reflects Alex’ {mis}‘Use of ‘Reason’.’- Which IMO is about as(s) cool as having a tooth pulled!!

Of course Alex has an issue of a first cause that’s likened unto the Creator, because his ilk likes to try to skirt the issue entirely by denying there’s even a need for a first cause in the first place, which is why he / they ['must'] entertain the dubious notion of infinite egress into the past.
- But Alex feigns at entertaining the possibility of a first cause as thee cause of the origin of the Universe, while objecting to such a cause 'looking' anything like the Creator [of the Heavens & the Earth]. Alex' objection is based on the constraints his strict-materialistic ideological world-view, but what Alex & his strict-materialistic ilk seem to wanna try to deny is that their strict-materialism fails / is by definition inadequate & effectively a boundary-limit to conceiving & grasping the idea of a power / entity / first-cause that exists beyond physical time & space [= beyond &/or before the physical Universe]. Which is why they must entertain the dubious idea of infinite egress into the past, to try to skirt the issue.

Then Alex throws out the dubious idea of laws of physics can create a Universe from nothing. Uhm Alex laws of physics can’t exists without matter & energy, time & space = can’t exist without nothing [physical]- Except in the Mind of a Creator who exists beyond time & space. In fact the very fact it’s even called ‘physics’ implies its laws can only describe that which physically exists in time & space. So HTF could such laws create of their own accord, a physical Universe from nothing [physical]? Duhh!!

‘Random Choice’, Humm.... Uhm Alex, if it’s random it’s NOT really a ‘choice’, & if it’s a conscious choice then it’s not truly random- Duhh again!! But this is yet another example of Alex’ {mis}’Use of ‘Reason’.’!!

Nixak*77*  Guest  2 months ago
IMO 'Jesus Mythicists' [including their grand guru Rich Carrier] are mostly LAME. I mean there's Tyler below trying to compare Yeshua to 'Wonder Woman' of all {non}people. I mean that's so damn LAME I see no reason to even comment on it to debunk it.
- Then there's Chris: First Chris tries to set-up a bunch of straw-men that I didn't even cite re Yeshua's historicity ala: Phlegon and Thallus... In fact the excerpts I posted re the historical Yeshua were taken directly [basically word for word] from Wikipedia on the issue [meaning what I posted ain't just my 'opinion'], & it is they who note what Josephus & Tacitus have to say re Yeshua, & that most true historians take those 2 sources to be about as good as it gets re confirmation of ancient historical persons.
- Then Chris makes 2 specific assertions that I knew to be erroneous- IE: that 'Chrestus' was a common / typical ancient 'Jewish' [= Judean / Hebraic] name [NOT!], & that G.Mark's Yeshua [aka 'Jesus'] was based on 'Jesus Ben Ananias' from Josephus' 'Antiquities of the Jews'- Which is obviously false as most real Bible scholars say G.Mark was written circa 60 - 70 ACE, while Josephus' 'Antiquities' was written 2 - 3 DECADES later circa 93-94 ACE!! So Chris then tries to salvage his blunder by saying 'Jesus Ben Ananias' was also spoken of in Josephus' 'Jewish War' written circa 78 ACE, but somehow Chris failed to see that's still at-least 1 - 1.5 DECADES too shy / too late to salvage his bogus HYPE-O-Thesis!!
- IMO Chris is likely too 'obtuse' to get the point, which is for those who actually know something about the subject(s), just these 2 easily refutable erroneous assertions on his part show he likely don't really know WTF he's talking about re the subject!!

But IMO Chris' 'inspiration' re 'Jesus b.Ananias' allegedly [but FALSELY] being the template for G.Mark's Yeshua, is 'top' 'Jesus Mythicist' 'guru' Rich Carrier, who tries to assert the same lame {non}'reasoning' that Apollonius is the template for the Gospels' Yeshua- Even tho the 'tales' Apollonius' was written a full 125 - 150 YRS AFTER all 4 Gospel accounts were written, & the evidence actually shows that the alleged 'miracles' claimed to be linked to Apollonius were actually 'inspired' by the Gospels so 'tales of Apollonius' could be hyped as an attempted counter-narrative to Yeshua's story- NOT vice-versa!! Which means either Carrier's done some really piss-poor {non}'scholarship', or he's deliberately being disingenuous & misleading on the issue!!

Chris also tries to assert G.Luke's author was in contact w Josephus, yet fails to cite any [real] sources or make any truly reasonable argument(s) to support such a dubious assertion!

So next Chris tries to diss Yeshua as just some 'nobody' who wandered around Judea stirring up trouble, & ended-up getting himself killed. So I then pointed out there are jokers who try to diss M.Gandhi & ML.King Jr in much the same way!!
- So then what does Chris stoop to doing? He resorts to the typical spewing of wanna-be 'clever' ad-hominems & [not-so] 'wise'-cracks!

Nixak*77*  Jim  2 months ago
IMO the issue w you view, besides being basically conjecture, is it seems you think Josephus could have never heard of Yeshua, His brother Ya'akov [aka James] nor even Yokhanon ['John' the Baptist] until after Josephus went to & made Rome his home. The fact is Josephus [aka Yosef ben Matityahu] was born in Judea & in fact was of the Levite Priestly tribe [as was apparently Yokhanon the Baptist] & lived in Judea till his early 30s, up until the Roman siege of Jerusalem. Thus IMO what Josephus wrote about Yeshua [& Ya'akov & Yokhanon the Baptist, too] was likely based on Judean sources, even more so than Roman 'Xtian' ones, w Roman 'secular' sources as a supplemental [IE: docs & info re: Pontius Pilate's tenure as Roman Imperial Gov of Judea]. In fact IMO w Josephus having ties to Judean priestly class, he may have even heard 'insider info' about how the Hi-Priest & Sanhedrin turned Yeshua over to Pontius Pilate for execution from {ex}priests &/or {ex}members of the Sanhedrin themselves!

 Nixak*77*  TylerB  4 days ago
'Penrose responded by outlining... an [alleged] 99.6% probability that waves from a previous aeon have been detected.'

RE The conformal cyclic cosmology (CCC)...: } In 2010, Penrose and Vahe Gurzadyan published a preprint of a paper claiming that observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) made by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and the BOOMERanG experiment contained an excess of concentric circles compared to simulations based on the standard Lambda-CDM model of cosmology, quoting a 6-sigma significance of the result. However, the statistical significance of the claimed detection has since been disputed. Three groups have independently attempted to reproduce these results, but found that the detection of the concentric anomalies was not statistically significant, in that no more concentric circles appeared in the data than in Lambda-CDM simulations. {
- So much for the claim of an alleged 99.6% probability that waves from an alleged previous cosmic eon have been detected.

Nixak*77*  Tara  4 days ago
Well for one whom facts don't ever seem to matter...

Re Bush-Cheney-Bliar's genocidal Iraq Attack Pt2 based on LIES, which the late 'Chris Hitch' religiously regurgitated in hyping his approval...
- 100s of thousands of helpless Iraqi women, children & elders were ruthlessly slaughtered as 'bug-splat' Tara ain't you seen Wikileaks 'Collateral Murder' video, which is the real reason the USG wants to Gitmotize Julian Assange??
- 10s of thousands of Iraqis were effective held under slave conditions, Tara. Ain't you seen the pics of Iraqi prisoners being tortured at Abu Ghraib & Gitmo??
- 10s or even 100s of thousands of Iraqi women & girls were raped, but they were not 'forced to marry their rapist', they were just forced / sold into prostitution instead!!

Rich Dawkins' 'bosom-buddy'/ close pal & chum Chris Hitchens' [whom you too admire] gave his OK / 2 BIG Thumbs-Up for all of that, based on a damn 'Pack of LIES'.... Yet neither Hitch nor Dawkins even believe any of what you're ranting about ever happened at-all!! So just HTF is Dawkins' dissing WLC over some [per Dawkins & Hitchens] NON-events that didn't happen in the distant past, yet apparently was just A-OK w Hitchens, Bliar et-al over a real travesty that's occurred not just recently, but is in fact yet on-going??! So IMO Dawkins is just full of s-
- Tara you're the one who just don't get it, like you did NOT get it last week when I called your good 'chum' Tyler out for spewing racist tropes, because for you Tara, 'Facts Just Don't Matter'!!

PS: I'm beginning to think there's NO true 'Love' NOR 'Light' in you, Tara!!

Nixak*77*  TylerB  4 days ago
Per You: 'If Hitch was still alive today, I [Tyler] am sure he would acknowledge the mistakes that were made re Iraq...'

Uhm Dude do I really need to re-post Youtube videos yet again of Hitch defending Bush-Cheney-Bliar's Iraq Attack Pt2 based on LIES in debates w anti-war leftists / progressives like Michael Parenti, George Galloway & Chris Hedges?? FYI: Hitch debated Parenti in 2005 [= over +2 YRS after the Iraq invasion, yet Hitch was still hyping Iraq's phantom / non-existent WMDs in 2005] & Hedges in 2007 [= over +4 YRS after the Iraq invasion]. Or I should I post a video of one of Hitch's last interviews before his death, w CBS News' 60 Minutes, where Hitch effectively on his death bed, was totally unapologetic / expressed little if any regrets for his pro Iraq-Attack Pt2 stance??!

So IDK WTF you're so sure about re Hitch having any regrets for hyping Bush-Cheney-Bliars' Iraq-Attack Pt2 based on a d__  'Pack of LIES'!!!
- PS: And Oh, Let's not forget you & Tara's ilk's other favorite new-atheist 'guru' Sam Harris, was just as bad or worse than Hitch was re the Iraq-Attack Pt2!!

Nixak*77*  dandbj13  3 months ago
Re Your Flip-quip: 'Blending modern tech with a 2,000 year old religion based on a bronze-age religion invented by people with a stone-age understanding of the universe.'
- In fact only one of those quips is accurate, that Xtianity is roughly 2000 yrs old. But FYI 2000 yrs ago marked the iron-age, not the bronze age- DUHH!! And the stone age ended in prehistoric times so you're way-out in left-field w the flip-quip!!

FYI: Agriculture is a bronze-age innovation, so are you gonna go-back to hunter-gatherer mode because agriculture & farming is so bronze-age? Or maybe you think GMOed & processed food is such a hi-tech improvement over food grown the old bronze-age fashion way.
- Reading & writing is also a bronze-age innovation & idea, so are you gonna kick that to the curb to as Oh so low-tech [IMO you're too hooked on writing Oh sooo loooog-winded diatribes]??
- Ditto for math, but then hey you admit you HATE Math!!

Nixak*77*  TylerB  3 days ago
Uhm Dude, 'Hitch' was not just an 'apologist' for so-called 'genocide' [that he, Dawkins & your ilk don't even believe happened- but assuming it did, it was over 3000 YRS ago], he was a very active & unrepentant cheer-leading propagandist for a recent & on-going [= current] genocide in Iraq based on LIES, yet he was Dawkins' bosom-buddy & pal [& you & Tara's new-atheist 'guru']. Thus IMO re WLC, Dawkins is just full of s______ w his phony BS 'outrage' vs WLC!!


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