Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Economic Information

From http://waronyou.com/forums/index.php?topic=12027.25

First of all no I don't listen to Lyndon Lerouche. You wanna know where my Economic Doctrine comes from? Stephen Zarlanga's the Lost Science of Money. Go and read it! I also read from essays by Benjamin Franklin whom I admire and somewhat Identify myself with. I NEVER read anything from Lerouche okay? SO there isn't going to be an argument over that because I'm not going to defend him.

Ron Paul's Economic doctrine comes from Adam Smith one of the MINOR founding fathers. He was friends with Jeremy Bentham who was a British agent. Bentham wrote an essay called "In Defense of Usury". The Mises insitute, which is linked to Ron Paul's campaign for liberty website has lovely essays like, "The case for a 100% gold dollar", and "In defense of the Robber Barons". (The Rockefellers).

Ron Paul's economic doctrine is the same as scharzanegger's. Cut everything, and hope the economy recovers.

The fact is Ron Paul wants us to do a) cut spending Obama wants us to do be B) subsidize banks that make nothing useful for the economy (which, is a vindication of Herbert Hoover's spending plan). When we should be doing C) revolutionize industry

Even the GOP says that we should spend SOME money. The Austrian economist says don't spend anything.

I don't care if Roosevelt was a Zionist, what he did worked, and we recovered. And I haven't seen any proof that he was. I've seen proof that Churchhill was.

And besides everything that was nationalized during the Roosevelt era was done through chapter 11 of the United state code. It's called a banking seizure and it's a required under the US code to do so. There is nothing communist about it because he didn't legislate it. By not seizing these bankrupt banks our government is breaking the LAW, and is making it harder to reform our debt money system. Everything he nationalized was temporary. It was done to convert policies not control business.

Even Roosevelt said referring to the bill that repealed the gold standard that he had not read the bill in fact no one had read it, but it passed. If he's zionist then why would he be allowed to do that even if he was ignorant of it? Who influenced our government to get rid of the gold standard then?

And who was the first to call Roosevelt a communist? Why it was the John Birch Society, which was funded by Nelson Rockefeller (zionist). Who was behind the Iran contra? why It's the Council for National policy, some of which were members of the John Birch society. The council for national policy set up Clinton's impeachment. They want a theocratic government in the United States. And what is Ron Paul an unofficial member of? The controlled John Birch Society. He's even been in a documentary with these people.

« Last Edit: October 24, 2009, 09:11:38 PM by Rainchild »



ernie1241 said...

The Birch Society was never "funded" by Nelson Rockefeller. Why do you post such nonsense on your webpage?

Timothy said...

Post nonsense.

YOu are heavily mistaken. The JOhn Birch Society have members of the CNP,they slandered JFK as a near Communist, and they have Masons as members in times past. that's isn't nonsense. That's truth. that' reality that you ought to accept.

By Timothy

Timothy said...

You weren't taught that in the history books, but that's real.

Timothy said...

Helping your fellow man, exposing an archaic aristocratic funded economic system, being in liberty, and fighting for it isn't nonsense. That's common sense and apart of human survival.

Timothy said...

The John Birch Society have been exposed by Patriots from across the political spectrum including in this link:


As for the Nelson Rockefeller stuff, that is one man's view. I will look into it to see if it's accurate or not. Different views have a right to be presented here.

By Timothy