Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Debate on Ron Paul
RonPaulHatesBlacks (18 hours ago) Show Hide
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I have never misrepresented Paul, and am not infatuated with Lincoln. You haven't studied your savior very well. He opposes every advancement in the history of American civil rights, including the EP and 13th Amendment that ended slavery and the 1964 CRA that ended segregation. He bragged about voting against the MLK holiday. He cast the only vote to send our taxes to fund the genocide in Darfur. And he made $940,000 a year writing and publishing (with Lew Rockwell) insanely racist newsletters.
RonPaulHatesBlacks (11 hours ago) Show Hide
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Nope. You unconstitutionally seceded because America elected a Free Soil president who threatened the expansion (and thus future) of your beloved slavery, the Cornerstone of your culture, religion, society, and government. That's what you said at the time, in your Cornerstone Speech and Mississippi, Texas, Georgia, and South Carolina declarations of secession. You should read them sometime.The North wasn't perfect, but it was better than your alternative of neverending slavery.
RonPaulHatesBlacks (1 day ago) Show Hide
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Slavery would have lasted another 100+ years. It was the Cornerstone of the South's entire culture, society, religion, and government. The Southern constitution barred any and all laws limiting slavery in any, at any time, forever. Neither Lee nor Davis fought for abolishing slavery---Lee oversaw slaves until December 1862 and Davis defended slavery his entire career.Either you're glad We the People ended slavery in the 1860s, or you support MORE years of slavery.

william0873 (18 hours ago) Show Hide
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Either you have some reason to try and hurt RP's rep and misrepresent him or you have some infatuation for Lincoln and will readily bash anyone who doesn't think he was perfect. Wouldn't doubt you're paid from what your channel consists of..As far as RP not liking other races, never heard him say anything bad about another race, but I know he does believe in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence which says ALL men are created equal. He also speaks honestly, even if its not popular

RonPaulHatesBlacks (19 hours ago) Show Hide
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Every single Northern state peacefully and voluntarily abolished slavery. They gave black people FREEDOM, the ability to read, move and travel, gain an education, and improve their lives. The South tried to build a nation on the Cornerstone belief that all men are NOT created equal, and adopted a constitution that barred any and all laws limiting slavery in any way, forever. You sought to own, rape, whip, and lynch black people until the end of time. No, thanks. All men are created equal.
RonPaulHatesBlacks (2 days ago) Show Hide
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Read the South's own Cornerstone Speech and the Texas, Mississippi, Georgia, and South Carolina declarations of secession. The South declared that Northern abolitionists had been demanding an end to slavery for decades, and America then elected a Free Soil president who threatened the expansion (and thus future) of their beloved slavery, the Cornerstone of their religion, culture, society, and government.Read, study, research, THEN post.

RonPaulHatesBlacks (3 days ago) Show Hide
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We the People ended Southern slavery in the 1860s. Either you're glad slavery continued no longer than the 1860s, or you support even MORE years of slavery. It's really that simple. If America had surrendered, the South would still be a separate, segregated, apartheid nation. Blacks would be denied civil rights, education, and the right to vote, Interracial marriage and anti-lynching laws would not exist, and slavery would have lasted 100+ years. No, thanks. All men are created equal.

RonPaulHatesBlacks (1 week ago) Show Hide
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Nope. All anyone with an open mind needs to do is read your own Cornerstone Speech and Miss, Georgia, Texas, and SC declarations of secession. You obviously never have.Lincoln was in the middle of the war, so some slaves had to wait an extra two years. That's better than your alternative of neverending slavery and segregation.No other country had 4 million slaves owned by racist traitors who seceded and started a war to save it. Obviously.Which races do I consider inferior, coward?

RonPaulHatesBlacks (1 week ago) Show Hide
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You're an idiot. Lincoln didn't start the war. The South did, over slavery, before he could even take office. And the federal government did not impose Black Codes. Some Southern states had Black Codes decades before the war, and they all adopted and/or strengthened the minute We the People won the war and passed the 13th Amendment you hate so much.I'm a racist? Which race(s) do I consider inherently inferior? It's a simple question.Why can't you answer?

RonPaulHatesBlacks (1 week ago) Show Hide
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After the war, the South imposed 100 more years of segregation, and ended that only at the point of Northern guns. Slavery would have lasted at least that long; indeed, the Southern constitution barred any and all laws limiting slavery in any way, at any time, forever. Hell, some people on this board would own slaves today if they could.I'm a racist? Really? Which race(s) do I consider inherently inferior?

vickyv85 (1 week ago) Show Hide
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Okay RonPaulHatesBlacks does not like to look at the whole picture of what happened. First of all Lincoln wasn't against slavery he was against the expansion of slavery. The South's desire for independence had very little to do with slavery and more to do with the taxes that the Federal Government was placing on their economy. Less than 30% percent of Southerners owned slaves so why would the other 70% percent want to go to war with the North? Also only after the North was losing the war..

RonPaulHatesBlacks (1 week ago) Show Hide
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Lincoln did care about the slaves. He was a Free Soiler who opposed the expansion of slavery. And his thoughts are irrelevant, because he didn't start the war. The South did, over slavery, before he could even take office. He responded by freeing the slaves, which is why folks like you hate him.And, actually, We the PEOPLE formed the federal government via a perpetual and more perfect Union and a Constitution that forbids unilateral secession.
RonPaulHatesBlacks (1 week ago) Show Hide
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The second sentence of Mississippi's declaration says:"Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery - the greatest material interest of the world." Oops!!!The word "tariff" does not appear. The word "tax" does not appear. Oops!!!Instead, Mississippi said it seceded because the North dared to "advocate negro equality" and to form "associations to carry out its schemes of emancipation."All anyone has to do is read the South's own racist words.

RonPaulHatesBlacks (3 days ago) Show Hide
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The South unconstitutionally seceded and started the war over slavery, as you freely admitted in your Cornerstone Speech and the Texas, Mississippi, Georgia, and South Carolina declarations of secession. You should read them.The EP freed as many slaves as it could, given that America was in a war at the time. Neither it nor the North was perfect, but they were better than your alternative of neverending slavery.Lincoln did not establish Liberia and abandoned colonization during his life.

RonPaulHatesBlacks (1 week ago) Show Hide
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That's what I said. He was a Free Soiler who opposed the expansion of slavery. That's why you unconstitutionally seceded and started the war in the first place. Lincoln wasn't perfect, but he was a lot better than your alternative of neverending slavery.No, We the PEOPLE created the Constitution and federal government, with its perpetual and more perfect Union, and federal guarantee of a republican government in all states. You've obviously never read the Constitution or attended law school.

RonPaulHatesBlacks (3 weeks ago) Show Hide
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More lies. Slavery was not "on its death bed." That's absurd. You seceded to preserve it, and adopted a constitution that barred any and all laws limiting it, forever. When We the People sought peace in 1861, every single one of your demands related to the permanent protection and expansion of slavery.The EP immediately freed at least 20,000 slaves, freed millions more as We swept through the South, and made the 13th Amendment inevitable.The Morrill Tariff passed AFTER secession. Oops!!!

Ron Paul interviewed on CNN's "The Situation Room" speaks out against the Armenian Genocide Resolution Bill. He is also the individual who voted against action being taken about the genocide in Darfur, voted against Rosa Parks being awarded a Golden Medal. This man makes me SICK!
Friend of J Reply:March 18th, 2010 at 1:06 pm
I’m with you all the way. I’m not going to join the LaRouche youth movement any time soon, but I completely agree with his / Tarpley’s take on economic and political issues.
By Ron Paul’s logic, he should refuse a salary and give me back all my tax contributions, since nobody had a right to take them from me. They should sell all roads, libraries and public schools to the highest bidder (some Rothschild bank subsidiary) and give me a check. There should be no police or fire departments, no water delivery or waste treatment unless you subscribe to a private service.
Sounds like a frigging great idea. Since the “free market” turns everything it touches into either a slave plantation or casino, let’s embrace it and blame some corrupt bureaucrats for everything. Anything good that republican government ever achieved was either a fluke, a conspiracy, or really something to do with capitalism. There is no such thing as Abraham Lincoln, the “New World Order” is where Satan creates fixed-rate currency exchange agreements, and the US Constitution is a book about the free market you’re not allowed to read that was written by Murray Rothbard.
ArksmnokOfWiksunkor Says: March 18th, 2010 at 10:50 am
Ron Paul is part of the oligarchy and as such part of the NWO. He only interprets liberty in the way it suites him and his oligarchy fellows interests using double speak and generalizations. He is only afraid that he as dentist would not have the possibility to earn the amount of money he earns now if he and his medical and pharmaceutic lobby fellows would be forced to make reasonable prices for their services and provide good health for all the people. He is only afraid that he would then lose his special elitist status. Ron Paul is elitist and social darwinist hiding behind libertarian disguise who wants only that some chosen few can afford medical care. With his propaganda Ron Paul is helping the elite NWO to fulfill their eugenic agenda by not providing the health care for the ones that elites don’t consider worth of living healthy lives and so reducing their reproduction fitness and death rate. So if you support Ron Paul you only support NWO elites in fulfilling their eugenic agenda.
5 days ago
Mississippi did, too. They said "Our position is thoroughly identified with the issue of slavery --- the greatest material interest in the world." They said that a blow at slavery "is a blow at civilization," and that they could only secede or suffer the "degradation" of free black people:sunsite . utk . edu / civil-war / reasons . html#Mississippi

6 days ago
Actually, the cotton gin INCREASED the demand for slaves from 700,000 in the South at invention to 3.5 million in 1860. His own museum website says: "While it was true that the cotton gin reduced the labor of removing seeds, it did not reduce the need for slaves to grow and pick the cotton. In fact, the opposite occurred. Cotton growing became so profitable for the planters that it greatly increased their demand for both land and slave labor."__, haven't you studied American history at all?
5 days ago
@tikkigod011 Funny . . . South Carolina thought it was about slavery:americancivilwar. com /documents /causes_south_carolina. html
1 week ago
Actually, the war did start over slavery. That's what the South said when they started it, in their Cornerstone Speech and Mississippi, Georgia, Texas, and South Carolina declarations of secession. Their declarations cited slave and slavery eighty-two separate times.
2 weeks ago
Rand Paul needs to do his homework. It's public knowledge that bribes were offered and taken to kill the regulation that would have prevented this "accident". Shame on him for calling this oil spill disaster an accident. And shame on him for calling the mine explosion an accident. If repeated warnings had been heeded, that too could have been prevented. "Accident"? Shame on you, Paul Rand.
2 weeks ago
"maybe sometimes accidents happen"?! Tell that to the fishermen, the tourist business, the communities that live and work on the coast, the dead wildlife the ruined coastline....."maybe sometimes accidents happen"?!
1 week ago
The funny thing (it is very sad really) is that Libertarians continually engage in the argument that government regulation is the cause of all evils in society. But when a clear example that a lack of Government intervention/regulation caused a company to put profits ahead of safety their answer is further deregulation. The libertarian view is that companies should run their own affairs. Well they did and now millions of people are suffering for it!
2 days ago
@19TEC85 tell that to your poor and your overflowing prisons. And when is welfare a bad thing. My country Australia as well as the majority of western Europe welcome it. Society is more than a cheque book
Washington, D.C. Exhausted? Rand Paul looks rested and animated at WHAS. Earlier Paul canceled a national Sunday interview on NBCs Meet the Press after a second day of controversy regarding his ideological positions on civil rights, labor, and support for BP and big business interests despite their role in the Gulf Oil spill ecological disaster. MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews reported that Pauls cancelation on NBC was due to exhaustion; however, Paul scheduled an interview with a Kentucky media outlet for the same day. Cancelations are rare for Meet the Press as there have been only 3 similar cancelations in the 62 year history of the program.
3 days ago
It's amazing you put up with it for this long. You have to understand that most neo-cons have never even studied US history, much less graduated with a degree in it. They support the South's cornerstone of racism and slavery for the obvious reason, which has nothing to do with the facts. But they're ashamed to make their real argument in support of slavery and racism, so they pretend to be trained historians. But they've never studied it, so they resort to unsupported claims and flat-out lies.
3 days ago 2
@StonewallJackson26 Thoisands? Baloney! You make it up as you go along. Atlanta and Columbia were really the only significant cities that were destroyed. Agriculture was destroyed to deny its use to the Confederate armies. The Lawrence massacre was in August, 1863...very much during the war. Two hundred unarmed men were murdered. I could mention the Ft Pillow massacre, but murdering African American soldiers was passe for the Confederates generally speaking.
3 days ago 2
@StonewallJackson26 It has NOT been disproven. It has been denied. So has the Holocaust. Both are true just the same. The South was NOT one big Andersonville. Northern prisons were as bad, that is true, but there is only one reason any of them existed: racism. The Confederacy refused to allow prisoner exchange to include African Americans once Lincoln allowed them to serve as soldiers. Therefore prisoner exchanges were ended and prisons were set up.
3 days ago
@StonewallJackson26 I have suggested that many probably did. You are throughing around statistics with reckless abandon. The majority of those 600k+ deaths were northerners and far and away most deaths were due to disease. If most southerners had opposed secession which was treason, there would have been no war, no deaths, and no destruction. I should add that Confederate armies were hardly innocent. They kidnapped African Americans and took them south into slavery.
3 days ago
@StonewallJackson26 Baloney! The purpose of the Emancipation was to make it clear that there would be a price that would be paid for secession. Lincoln wanted to keep the border states in the Union. Lincoln willingly risked his political future and even his life for the cause of Emancipation. In fact, Booth made his decision to assassinate Lincoln after he heard Lincoln give a speech advocating rights for freedmen. Your comment really slanders Lincoln.
3 days ago
@StonewallJackson26 I think you mean 5% were large slaveowners, but yes a substantial majority of Southerners owner few if any slaves. But the non-slaveowning majority did not choose to rebel against their own elites. They supported them in their rebellion against the US govt. Why? In many cases, it may have been because they aspired to be large slaveowners themselves and did not want the US govt to deprive them of that right.
2 days ago
@kirundo1 The slave trade was illegal long before the Civil War. Prior to its becoming illegal, slave ships generally went to ports in the south or the Caribbean. US forces entered parts of the so-called Confederacy to suppress a treasonous rebellion against federal authority that began because of Southern fears of abolition.


But SLAVERY wasn't unjust, isn't that what you think, Johnny Reb? LOL!!!

Typical Southern lies from Southern scum. The North did not INVADE the South... first lie. The SOUTH attacked Ft Sumter. The SOUTH was and is part of the USA. Lincoln could not have attacked his own country.

The govt has abused citizens who opposed ANY war, from the Revolution (post-war persecution of Loyalists) to Vietnam. That means nothing. So what?

Lincoln was shot for the same reason Dr. King was shot, and Bobby Kennedy for that matter. John Wilkes Booth = a fascist racist reprobate. Too bad he didn't live for a public hanging.

Lincoln's racism is irrelevant. The war was fought over SLAVERY, and any pro-CSA traitor saying different is a historical revisionist = liar.

Like you, Johnny.

-Barros Serrano


Star Wars wrote:
The truth is your enemy.
The US military was never defeated in Vietnam. Never lost a single major battle. US forces turned over South Vietnam to the South Vietnamese government after a treaty had been signed with North Vietnam promising not to invade the south. The NVA assessment of the war had been that they were losing the entire time and the US could not be militarily defeated. Russian advisers were appalled at the lack of effectiveness of NVA and especially Viet Cong troops.
The North Vietnamese waited until all US combat forces were withdrawn then violated their own treaty and invaded the south. US embassy personnel evacuated along with hundreds of South Vietnamese personnel.
The 10 year Vietnam War stopped the domino theory in it's tracks. Massive US military and economic aid turned the Pacific countries at risk from their susceptability to communism into strong capitalist allies. Japan. South Korea, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries supported the US and South Vietnam and kept communist insurgencies from any effective influence in their own countries. In Indonesia alone, 100,000 communists were killed by the government to make Russian and Red Chinese influence totally ineffective. The domino theory failed and Russia expended far more money than they could afford in support of North Vietnam. This expensive 10 year war in Vietnam along with Soviet setbacks in Angola, the Congo, Egypt, Cuba, Nicaragua, Berlin, and elsewhere nearly bankrupted the entire Soviet Union. President Reagan's "Star Wars" missile defense system was the last straw. The Soviets could not raise the funds to compete with America's technology edge in defense systems and space exploration. The Soviet Union collapsed and crumbled. The US won the Cold War and it was won largely because of Vietnam
Barros Serrano wrote:
You can go on all day about slavery in the North. This is well-known to anyone familiar with African-American or USA history generally. It has NOTHING to do with the point about the Civil War. The North had ABOLISHED slavery in its states. The trade was GONE. The USA flag had stopped flying over slave ships. It was illegal.
But not in your glorious South! Oh no, they could still buy and sell not to mention grievously ABUSE people if they were labeled as "slaves" (any non-"free" black), and not only that were willing to put the country through bloody hell to retain that evil system.
Y'all can turn somersaults all day trying to avoid that unpleasant reality... pretend it's about states rights, Virginia's sovereignty (LOL... that one really is funny), go on about black Confederate soldiers and slaves in New York and Abe Lincoln's racism or whatever you like but it does not alter the obvious fact that the Civil War was fought over SLAVERY!!!
I can imagine how amusing you'd be if you could be transported back to 1862 to tell all of us how the war isn't over slavery! LOL!!!
John Brown's body lies a mouldering in the grave...
His Truth goes marching on!
---sung by many a Union soldier

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