Thursday, April 01, 2010

Economic Populism Information


One could easily posit all sorts of ridiculous fearmongering scenarios concerning government-controlled police and government-controlled armies as a way of scaring the gullible into embracing the stateless utopian fantasy world of the Austrian School, wherein--according to those who promote this delusional, quasi-religious fairy-tale--a mystical, God-like entity euphemistically called the "free market" magically keeps privately controlled police and privately controlled armies from terrorizing, oppressing and enslaving people.Fortunately, most of the people in this forum aren't quite so gullible.

They know that keeping the police and military in public rather than private hands is, if nothing else, the far lesser of two evils; and that the reason certain public institutions have become so corrupt and oppressive in recent years is that they've been, in effect, "privatized" to one extent or another (case in point: the "Federal" Reserve), and that the solution to this is not to mindlessly throw the baby out with the bathwater but to reclaim from these private interests our rightful control over our own government.I don't know about anyone else, but I, for one, say "no" to the privatized tyranny that anarcho-capitalists would have us all living under if they had their way, and "yes" to the liberty and freedom that can only be experienced in a truly Democratic Constitutional Republic:



Quote from: lostdog2323 on May 24, 2009, 09:56:41 AM
So you think its best
for people to trust in the govt to protect them and to control everything in a
benevolent fashion. Talk about utopian fantasy land.

Way to side-step my counterargument to this in my last post.

My answer is give people the power, yours is give govt the power

Wrong. My answer is to give people the power by conferring to them their rightful control over their own government. Yours (apparently) is to throw the baby out with the bathwater by abolishing government altogether (or reducing it to the point of irrelevancy), and thereby give rise to the tyranny of "might makes right," where only those with the most "might" are "free."

The police state forming around us as we speak...

Yes, but why is it forming around us? As Alex's listeners know, the answer is that the police and military have fallen under the control of private interests!

Thanks for making my case for me.

you're really burying your head on this.

I'm convinced that it's you who are "burying your head on this," not me.

Guess we'll just have to let readers decide for themselves, won't we?




The difference between (a) the lower and middle classes uniting against the plutocrats and (b) the lower and middle classes fighting each other while the divide-and-rule plutocrats laugh in their faces (or rather at the backs of their heads, if you know what I mean.)



Actually, their influence over the Government is straight from the Private Banking Cartels, and they are currently allowing our infrastructure to collapse.

Liberty works just fine, but if your definition of Liberty would result in a devestating collapse of the economy if fully (or partially in many respects) implimented, that is not an accurate description of Liberty in my opinion.

Empire is a privatized entity, going back to the East India Company and Lord Shellburne ( A privatized navy ) during the Chinese opium wars. It will always be easier for them to gain control of the money if it is issued by a private entity as opposed to appropriated by Congress and issued by the Treasury. The TARP Bill got a massive protest for 750 Billion dollar - the FED (A Private Bank) has secretly loaned somewhere around 9 Trillion and guarenteed about 4 more in currency that have no value because it was merely printed to pay off bills, nothing was produced with it.

If there was no FED, this secret banking cabal would not exist, and the FED is a private entity.




RonPaulHatesBlacks Nope. Lincoln abandoned colonization during his lifetime. Sorry, slappy.And the war was about slavery. That what you said when you started it, in the Cornerstone Speech and Texas, Mississippi, Georgia, and South Carolina declarations of secession you still haven't read.The newsletters never went to court. They were written by Paul and Lew Rockwell. Paul made $940,000 a year from them, defended them for decades, and even today refuses to repudiate Rockwell. You lose, slappy. 22 hours ago

RonPaulHatesBlacks It would take more guts for him to defend Lincoln, because it would offend the base of white supremacists who have supported him during his entire career --- David Duke, Don Black, Will Williams, Lew Rockwell, Randy Grey. H__, it would offend a lot of his supporters on Youtube --- they openly defend slavery, celebrate the South, and call for secession and the murder of American soldiers today. 2 days ago

RonPaulHatesBlacks Of course the war was about slavery. The South said so when they started it, in their Cornerstone Speech and the Texas, Mississippi, Georgia, and South Carolina declarations of secession. They said "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world." 1 day ago

RonPaulHatesBlacks Apartheid didn't end "decades" ago. It ended in 1994. Most Americans don't support even one more second of slavery or segregation, because We believe all men are created equal. Others commenting on this video disagree. They believe slavery and segregation NEVER should have ended unless and until the racist South just spontaneously and voluntarily decided to give them up, if ever. They actually support MORE years of slavery and segregation. That's some David Duke, KKK s__ right there. 3 days ago

VampiressOnDaProwlq (uploader) wrong, svinka.equal Jewish Imperial Capitalists to Jew Communists. it wasnt "Jewish" system. Communist architects were non-Jew English/French/German/Irish/Catholic/Slavic/Spanish/Russian. Communism was Secular Humanism embraced early by vastly more non-Jews than Jews.Jews were very persecuted in USSR. not systematic like Nazis. but they were attacked, for religious identity & Capitalist wealth, not ethnic traits.Nazis attacked Jews for any reason. Bolsheviks only attacked Jews for Judaism. 2 months ago

Whatchagonado Pogroms killed 150k Jews during Lenin's reign alone. Preferential treatment?Stalin believed he could maintain alliance with Hitler for the very reason that they were both interested in exterminating Jews. He didn't realize that Hitler had the same delusion that you do, namely that Communism is not separate from Judaism. I guess that makes all three of you fools.Hatred of Jews and ennoblement of some imagined "white ancestry" is merely a variation on an old "divide and conquer" strategy. 2 months ago

VampiressOnDaProwlq (uploader) Stalin's USSR was Atheist. all religion outlawed. not just Christian. Jude, Buddhism, etc. all synagogue seized for state use. synagogues destroyed in Kiev, Minsk, Odessa, Rostov, Khurgav, Novgorod, Krasnoy & other.Stalin's anti-Jew purges. he saw all Jews as potential Capitalist spy.Nazis attacked Jews for lotsa reasons. Nazis saw Jew as genetic inferior/oppressive financial parasite.Judea didnt declare war on Germany till explusions/atrocities exposed 1939-40. Nazi revisionists say 1933. 2 months ago

VampiressOnDaProwlq (uploader) Lenin's USSR & all USSR Atheist. no favoritism toward Jews. all religion outlawed equally except during Lenin's USSR & early Stalin's USSR when they supported & allied with Russian Orthodox Christian church against Fascists & Nazis. even Jewish Communists like Lenin & Trotsky favored Russian Orthodox church occasionally yes.want entire list of USSR cities & republics where synagogues were violently seized or destroyed & Jews killed either while still in temple praying or after running away? 2 months ago

VampiressOnDaProwlq (uploader) Birobidzhan Oblast was partly press program to alleviate fear of anti-Semitism in USSR by Jews. they really did try but not high effort. it failed. it's true anti-Semitism in USSR wasnt as extreme as Nazi Germany. but very serious, religiously & financially targeted horror. they thought Jews had harder time resisting wealth/luxury & weak against Capitalist persuasion. it wasnt systematic or as focused as Nazi. but no Jew favoritism nor extreme hateful targeted anti-Semitism like Nazi Germany. 2 months ago

VampiressOnDaProwlq (uploader) Karl Marx (1883), Nikolai Lenin & Trotsky were Jews but disagreed on policies.Lenin wanted Democratic Socialism; parliament govt; state/local autonomy. No Dictatorship or Corporatism. Democracy/regulated Capitalism.he was poisoned by non-Jew rivals who wanted Rightwing Totalitarian Dictatorship.Trotsky wanted "Social Democracy" yet Federal Govt Corporatism/market Capitalism. no Dictator. no local autonomy.Trotsky murdered by Stalinists who wanted oppressive State Capitalist Dictatorship. 2 months ago

VampiressOnDaProwlq wrong, svinka.equal Jewish Imperial Capitalists to Jew Communists. it wasnt "Jewish" system. Communist architects were non-Jew English/French/German/Irish/Catholic/Slavic/Spanish/Russian. Communism was Secular Humanism embraced early by vastly more non-Jews than Jews.Jews were very persecuted in USSR. not systematic like Nazis. but they were attacked, for religious identity & Capitalist wealth, not ethnic traits.Nazis attacked Jews for any reason. Bolsheviks only attacked Jews for Judaism. 2 months ago


VampiressOnDaProwlq (uploader) well too bad. LOL. wah! wah!Yes I do agree! LOL. i agree because i'm a Keynesian Capitalist, yah douche Nozzle!i am only accusing American fake "Libertarians", followers of Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, Von Mises and Rothbard, who are only for the wealthy, the top wealthiest 1% and big business. i wasnt accusing regular real libertarians like Noam Chomsky. ; D 1 month ago

VampiressOnDaProwlq (uploader) you're so ignorant of history, it's staggering. LOLFDR didnt confiscate the gold. the Treasury Dept + Justice Dept did with unaminous congressional + legal authority to stabilize the market.they paid generous above market value to all gold standard holders and investors for all gold taken out of circulation, out of Wall St market standards.nobody complained except Pro-Gold Standard Far Right Conservative Laissez-Faire Anarcho-Capitalist Social Darwinist "Free" Market (Fascist) purists. 4 months ago

VampiressOnDaProwlq (uploader) yes. the Nazis believed the identical way that you do. they were the strongest promoters of economic Social Darwinism in world history next to the monarchies of primitive Aristocratic imperialist Europe, Russia and Asia. you belong in the 17th century. 5 months ago


Do you have a brain? I'm guessing no. Are you not at all familiar with the government aid to farmers, major corporations, and other big business? As far as the social programs, think back to when they are enacted. DURING ECONOMIC DOWN TURNS AND DEPRESSIONS, and you know why, because the public is the one that takes the biggest hit. So people make the choice to vote for social programs, instead of starving. WHITE PEOPLE. And you forgot to address my question as to which branch of the military you have served in.



Of course he's including banks and S&L's. S &L's took a dive in the 90's and many banks are taking one now. That's a "lifetime," for sure.

-Stag R Lee


Heather, you are either informed or hopelessly stupid. Your comment goes back to another thread; one in which I personally traced the mortgage lending to poor communites back to Jimmy Carter when he helped pass the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. Here it is again.... ...In this particular thread--repeat, this thread--I demonstrated how, through the repeal of the Glass Steagal Act, Ronald Reagan and a Republican Congress triggered the current economic meltdown....Again, my question to Heather and to all trolls: Why do you hate America so much? Why do you twist historical data to fit arguments of hatred and derision?

-Stag R Lee

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