Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Poor Peoples Campaign


Brian_G wrote:
Do you have any citation to justify your claim? I thought Reverend Martin Luther King never endorsed anyone.
His discipline and success tells me, he understood why some people make far more than others. Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was the 1%.
Speaking of his experience in Scandinavia at the time of his receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, King writes:

This was, for most of us, our first trip to Scandinavia...We felt we had much to learn from Scandinavia's DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST tradition and from the manner in which they had overcome many of social and economic problems that still plagued for more powerful and affluent nations. In both Norway and Sweden, whose economies are literally dwarfed by the size of our affluence and the extent of our technology, they have no unemployment and no slums. Their men, women and children have long enjoyed FREE MEDICAL CARE and QUALITY EDUCATION. This contrast to the limited, halting steps taken by our rich nation deeply troubled me."




Brian_G wrote:
Do you have any citation to justify your claim? I thought Reverend Martin Luther King never endorsed anyone.
His discipline and success tells me, he understood why some people make far more than others. Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was the 1%.
Dr, King came from a MIDDLE CLASS black family, and was hardly part of the 1%. In fact, in THOSE DAYS it was nearly impossible for a Black person to belong to the 1%.
Dr. Martin Luther King NEVER supported any particular politician, but he did OPPOSE certain politicians like Barry Goldwater.
Take a look at Chapter 23 of THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR, pp. 247--248. King's comments on Goldwater and Republican conservatism is too lengthy to quote.

But King thought of Goldwater, and Goldwater's conservatism, as out of touch with reality(p.247). On matters of race King thought of Goldwater (an oppoent of civil rights act of 1964) what I thought of Ron Paul (before learning of his racist articles):
"While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulated a philosophy which gave aid and comfort to the racist. His candidacy and philosophy would serve as an umbrella under which extremists of all stripes would stand." (p247)
King noted at THAT TIME, while the trend was in its EARLY STAGES, the flocking of KKK and segregationist white supremacist Dixiecrats to the banner of Barry Goldwater.
We see the same economic philosophy in Republican party today, and we see much of the same racism, though CODED to suit the sensibilities of our post-1960s era. Juan Williams, a black conservative got a taste of that recently.
But just read the AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR for yourself.

By the way, there a a number of statements by King involving a critique of capitalism or sympathy for democratic socialism in various works.
I've finished a book on King's philosophical thought in relation to his activism. There are plenty of sources. Also, there are plenty of excellent secondary sources as well.



EkDesiLadki wrote:

I support occupy movement. Yet, I feel poverty and unemployment is not just the real problem in black community.
In US blacks are systematically discriminated and decimated by new drug laws after slavery and Jim crow. The statistics suggest that drug laws are just NEW Jim crows(in mask) because 90% of black men are jailed for non-violent crime like possessing small amount of drug for personal use. Also, only 5% of white for similar crimes are send to jail. Rest are just send to counseling whereas blacks are send to prison. Some even for 5 years.
Statistics also suggest that there are more blacks in jail compared to the number of slaves in the height of slavery. Once you get arrested irrespective of you getting convicted or not, your chances of landing in good employment, housing or any govt services is NEGLIGIBLE. This drug law or NEW Jim crow Laws have created a NEW system of labor who can be hired without paying minimum wage and benefits.
Anyone want REAL social change should protest against NEW Jim Crow. May be it's time for us to ask if we've real democracy FOR ALL ?


Timothy wrote:
the former USSR , Cuba, North Korea=nations that used policies that violate human civil liberties. This doesn't refute the notion of legitimate social democratic principles of being key to enhance our standard of living at all. You can have the government to exist, civil liberties, and private & public services to exist at the same time in one country.
It's not about big or small government. It's about effecient government that is free from corporate control. Our government is controlled heavily by corporate influence. This is one reason why some parts of the US government has gone haywire.
Sounds like you--in contrast to Zaius--has actually done some HOMEWORK. Yes, Dr. King DENOUNCED the human rights violations in the Stalinist eastern block and China. But he also denounced the rapaciiousness and exploitation of capitalism, especially unregulated capitalism.
His admiration for democratic socialism is unmistably clear. Most scholars don't even seem to debate that fact any more--especially since the publication of previously private papers and letters.
King was cautious, however, in expressing his sympathies for democratic socialism. He knew he and the Movement would be redbaited as Communist in this paranoid and politically immature society which can't tell Sweden from the Soviet Union, or Erich Fromm from Joseph Stalin.
KIng didn't want to jeopardize the Movement, but he was clearly in favor of social democracy. On quite a few occasions he simply SAID SO.



bappie wrote:
What happened with Juan Williams? Not saying that blacks cannot be conservative, but it's hard to understand how they can align themselves with some of the people they know are racist and the horrible things they say about blacks in particular and minorities in general.
I remember my mother singing we've got hot water, we've got cold water, what the hell do we need with goldwater, lol.
Juan Williams, a black conservative, was posing questions to different Republican candidates a few days ago in South Carolina. He posed question to Nutty Gingrich about the insensitivity of his statements regarding Black people and the poor. Gingrich essentially lambasted Juan williams for even daring to question him in that matter, saying (in so many words) he owes no explantation for any offensive comments he made about Blacks.
A white female supporter later commended Gingrich for putting Juan Williams "in his place." Sounds familiar? Putting a Negro in his place? Both Gingrich's lambasting of Williams and the woman's commending him for putting Juan Williams "in his place" got LOUD APPLAUSE from that obviously very WHITE, RIGHT WING & RACIST crowd.
And some posters want me to believe that Dr. King would ally himself with THAT?

Would King also want to FIRE janitors and institute CHILD LABOR instead? Was that what Dr. KIng was advocating with his Poor Peoples Campaign?



Savant wrote:

Juan Williams, a black conservative, was posing questions to different Republican candidates a few days ago in South Carolina. He posed question to Nutty Gingrich about the insensitivity of his statements regarding Black people and the poor. Gingrich essentially lambasted Juan williams for even daring to question him in that matter, saying (in so many words) he owes no explantation for any offensive comments he made about Blacks.
A white female supporter later commended Gingrich for putting Juan Williams "in his place." Sounds familiar? Putting a Negro in his place? Both Gingrich's lambasting of Williams and the woman's commending him for putting Juan Williams "in his place" got LOUD APPLAUSE from that obviously very WHITE, RIGHT WING & RACIST crowd.
And some posters want me to believe that Dr. King would ally himself with THAT?
Would King also want to FIRE janitors and institute CHILD LABOR instead? Was that what Dr. KIng was advocating with his Poor Peoples Campaign?
Well, in my estimation, that's just what Juan Williams deserves. Will black conservative Republicans like him, Steele, Cain, Thomas, etc., ever learn or will they continue to allow themselves to be humiliated and treated like servants. Who could be so desperate to be accepted that they would expose themselves to that type of treatment and lack of respect in this day and age?

Frankly, I've seen the ugly behavior of these right-wing, repulsivecan hypocrites in action. These same sanctimonious demons hated Clinton for exactly what that dingy, nasty, sob did. The kicker is he was doing all this dirt while actively trying to get Clinton impeached for lying about sex with Lewinsky. Him and the despicable hypocrite, Henry Hyde. Then this low-life piece of garbage has the audacity to take the moderator to task for daring to ask him a question about his morals and character before a presidential debate. As if he's held to some type of different moral standard. Then he drops lower into the mud by bringing his daughters into the fray by stating how they contacted ABC begging them not to air the story and how everyone makes mistakes, blah, blah.

The hypocrites gave him another standing ovation, lol.What everyone got to see is the UGLY and HYPOCRITICAL face of America and the Republican party. One that can flip the script and change, excuse or accept disgusting behavior by one of their own. Gingrich is a scum bucket that is not even well liked by his own and that's why he was kicked out of the house by his own.

I laughed when he spoke of the elite (of which he desperately wants to be a part of) and stared over at Romney. I don't know if you noticed, but Romney smirked at the remark. The pimp, Gingrich is using the homewrecker's money to finance his campaigns and lifestyle and she is a part of the elite. If this is the best we can do for candidates for president, we're screwed, lol.

Hypocrites abound.




216 Elite wrote:
The U.S. government’s COINTELPRO attack on the Black Power Movement of the 1960s assassinated African leaders, imprisoned activists and used agents to destroy organizations.
As part of this counterinsurgency effort the government flooded the African community with heroin brought in from Southeast Asia by the CIA. Later crack cocaine from South and Central America was added.
These drugs served a two-fold purpose. They devastated the African working class community and made organizing nearly impossible. At the same time the drugs destroyed long-standing African community economic stability while turning illegal drugs into nearly a trillion dollar annual industry, generating cash that flows through every bank in the U.S.
Again Jim Crow-like laws such as Three Strikes and discriminatory sentencing mandates were used to round up millions of people and imprison them on the basis of drugs.
Prison Profit Props Up Ailing U.S. Economy
Today more than 7.5 million people—nearly half of them African—are tied to the US prison system. As big as the current government stimulus package is, it is nothing compared to the massive government investments building new prisons in every state.
This proved to be the key economic stimulus for white America over the past 30 years. It was prisons and illegal drugs that saved the US economy during all of the previous economic downturns of the 1970s, 80s and 90s.
Prisons spawned jobs in multiple sectors, such as lawyers and prosecutors, guards, court and prison administration, computer programming, along with construction, housing development and retail malls that often transformed backwards rural towns into bustling metropolises.
Wall Street banks float the loans to cities and states that are used as municipal bonds to finance prison building. These loans are basically mortgages on prisons and rake in the money for the bankers.
Private prisons profit from African slave labor used by a wide range of corporations, essentially a modern form of Convict Leasing.
Additionally, private prisons are traded on Wall Street. Their stock goes up every time another law such as Three Strikes is passed, because these laws guarantee that prison beds will be filled for the long term and that there will be an ever-increasing prison population. Wall Street makes sure that prisons remain a good investment.
“Subprime” Predatory Lending Steals African Assets
In the mid-90s the Clinton administration began changing HUD policies to allow for the targeting of the African community for predatory subprime mortgages.
For the next 10 years, bankers and lenders profited royally from entrapping African families into deceptive mortgages. Africans making over $150,000 a year were more likely to get a “subprime” load than white people making less than $35,000 a year.
Subprime mortgages are adjustable rate loans that start out low and double after a couple of years.
The banks bundled the mortgages, sliced them up and used them as investment instruments, instead of cash. They made trillions of dollars by investing these mortgage-backed securities and then quickly reinvesting their profits multiple times.
As millions of people began to default on their high-interest mortgages, the banks’ investments went bad. This was the basis of the stock market crash in September of 2008.
But the bankers have been bailed out by taxpayers’ money to the tune of trillions of dollars. The banks have never had to publicly reveal their bad debts, the “toxic assets” from the invested subprime mortgages.


Someone like gingrich can be successful in getting applause in most racist Southern states but he'll have trouble in others.

Also, people had trouble accepting Clinton's affair, this guy had mistress for 7 years. If he chosen as candidate Obama can relax.

"Newt Gingrich Loves Indian Killer Andrew Jackson."
There’s a saying that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich, a historian, hasn’t forgotten the past; in fact, he’d like to repeat it. Particularly Andrew Jackson’s “kill thine enemy” approach.

Read more:
Savant wrote:

Both Gingrich's lambasting of Williams and the woman's commending him for putting Juan Williams "in his place" got LOUD APPLAUSE from that obviously very WHITE, RIGHT WING & RACIST crowd.
And some posters want me to believe that Dr. King would ally himself with THAT?
Would King also want to FIRE janitors and institute CHILD LABOR instead? Was that what Dr. KIng was advocating with his Poor Peoples Campaign?


05:31 AM on 01/12/2012
No, Mr. Paul, you were not "very clear." You're walking both sides of the fence, because your way of governing isn't going to be acceptable to anybody and sounds good only as a novelty alternativ­e. Not one single advanced nation in the world does it. Your response indicates that you don't want to say "Yes, my goal is to get rid of all of that"; you want to hold to the ideologica­l position that getting rid of it is necessary, but that sounds too harsh, so you want to reassure people that you're not the kind of person who would cut things like Head Start and Social Security without a substitute­, but when given a national platform to speak--whi­ch you didn't have to pay for, by the way--you'r­e not going to give even the broadest outline, let alone any real specifics. We're just supposed to trust that it'll happen.

Got it. Meanwhile, the truth is, you're only for a lower level of redistribu­tion of income. That is, unless you want to pave your own roads and have huge inefficien­cies and state-to-s­tate inequaliti­es like separate food-and-d­rug safety organizati­ons, auto and consumer goods testing, etc.
07:27 PM on 01/12/2012
"He's said numerous times that he would propose winding down SS by allowing younger workers to opt out of it."

Great. So why didn't he just say that on Scarboroug­h's show, that simply? I mean, I think the idea is terrible and is characteri­stic of Paul's fatal flaw, pathologic­al individual­ism over the community good, reminiscen­t of Margaret Thatcher's "there is no such thing as society." But at least he'd have given an answer.

The voters in individual states already decide this by voting for their own representa­tives and senators to federal office. If you want a loose federation of states each running every single part of its own show, and not a nation, you should go back and raise the Articles of Confederat­ion again and see how they fly.
08:20 PM on 01/11/2012
Libertaria­nism is pure utopia. A civilizati­on can't work without regulation­s. Libertaria­nism would result in civil war.  
Michael Tuller
Retired News Librarian/Researcher
10:00 PM on 01/11/2012
Libertaria­nism is a bald face lie. It is corporatio­ns and fascists promising you that you will be able to run a prostituti­on business and sell heroin, which only certain others will be allowed to do, while they will be stealing your money, your freedom, your property and poisoning you and your family without fearing any consequenc­es. Got kids? God help them! It is Social Darwinism, and it will ultimately result in fascism, revolution or worse. Get a clue. Your common sense has apparently already suffered a severe blow. You will not be at the top of that food chain. You will be a classic chump. They will chew you up and spit you out. And, you will still blame anything but your own misguided, so-called ideology.  
and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden
07:17 PM on 01/11/2012
No EPA-- no food safety standards-­- no safety standards-­-no safety net-- the march backwards with Ron Paul !!!! No thanks !!  
Republicans -this is why we can't have nice things
07:14 PM on 01/11/2012
It is primarily the base of the Republican party that hates Ron Paul. I mean they absolutely hate him. So, don't pin anti-Paul rhetoric on Democrats. Democrats don't get all that heated up by Ron Paul because they know he will never be President nor will he ever enact any of his ideas. To most Democrats he is harmless as a flea while Wall Street robber barons like Romney and religious zealots like Santorum & Perry are dangerous to this country just like George Bush and Dick Cheney were very dangerous. We have been paying for this mistake every day for the last 11 years.

Why is Ron Paul even in the Republican party? He actually has a lot of things in common with many liberal Democrats: legalizing marijuana, opposition to the Iraq war, opposition to the Afghanista­n war, auditing of the Fed, repealing NAFTA and other trade treaties that have taken away American jobs, opposition to the Patriot Act, and others.

Start your 3rd party and run Ron Paul against Romney that way Obama can get reelected and you will serve notice on the Republican party that they can not discount libertaria­n views.  
07:17 PM on 01/11/2012
A true man of the people who wants to get rid of all social services for the people.

Yeah, it makes sense...


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