Webster tarpley is absolutely correct. Ron Paul's economic program is just a copy of world bank/IMF austerity psychosis by Shock therapy and structural adjustment.
kkbose 2 weeks ago
Roy Merritt old car guy
s were responsibl e for the National Debt for what it is and a Republican came on and gave some off the wall figures that disputed what I wrote. So here is the offical site that is United States Office of Budget Management year 2011 Historical Tables. Ronald Reagan began with the National Debt at 900 billion dollars, when he left office the National Debt was at 2.86 trillion dollars or a increase of 189%. GH Bush left Office with The Debt at 4.7 trillion dollars or a 55% increase. Bill Clinton Left Office with a Debt of 5.6 trillion dollars but had stopped the riser of the debt and actually brought it down by 9% in the last 2 years and gave GW Bush a surplus. The Office of the CBO said if we stayed on track the National DEbt would be zero in 10 years. GW BUsh Cut taxes in 2001 and 2003 and when he left office he left President Obama a National DEbt of 11.9 trillion dollars or a 112% increase. Those are offical numbers and FOX NEWS or anybody else is a liar if they say otherwise. www.treasu rydirect.g ov/govt/re ports/pd/h istdebt_hi sto5.htm s cry that Obama is raising the debt but they are responsibl e for the National Debt being where it is at. If you will go to the United States Budget Office web site and go to the Historical tables you will see when the National Debt which had been coming down since WWII began going up like a rocket, during the Reagan years. Supply Side Economics ran the National Debt up 189% during Reagan's years and 55% during GH Bush's years and up 24% during the first Clinton term but then started down and Clinton had two years of BALANCED BUDGETS plus a surplus. GW Bush cut taxes in 2001 and 2003 and started the whole thing over again. GW Bush ran the National Debt up 112% and gave an unbalanced budget to President Obama of 14.9% GDP of Revenue with a spending budget of 24.9% GDP. Obama has not be able to raise taxes because of the Republican s so we are still stuck with the 14.8% GDP on revenue. Until taxes are raised the National Debt will still be like Newt's Rockets to the moon.
Roy Merritt old car guy
18 minutes ago ( 6:44 PM)
On a post a while ago I made mention that the Republican_______________
Roy Merritt old car guy 2 hours ago ( 4:58 PM)
Absolutely dead on article, I wish that it would be carried in every newspaper in the country. Why is it that the Republican_________________
emp122 s (I think Dick Cheney) said "deficits don't matter". I guess they matter when a Democrat is in office!
Think about this: If you have a hole in your roof, and you don't have the money to fix it, you have to borrow money to fix it. Or else, the hole in the roof will eventally cost you more money to fix. That is why Obama has to spend money, to fix the hole in the roof left by Conservati ve/Republi can policies.
1 hour ago ( 5:54 PM)
Ronald Reagan invented deficit spending. Before him, we were the greatest lender nation, after him, the biggest debtor nation. Other RepublicanThink about this: If you have a hole in your roof, and you don't have the money to fix it, you have to borrow money to fix it. Or else, the hole in the roof will eventally cost you more money to fix. That is why Obama has to spend money, to fix the hole in the roof left by Conservati
He once suggested that we look at what Germany with just a population of 82 million is doing, given it leads us in MFG/Export s and has high wages.
He then went silent!
Here is why, because Germany :
1. Has national industrial ization plan like all other countries. Repubs AGAINST.
2. Has export Rebates of 19%,like all other countries. Repubs AGAINST.
3. Has cheaper National healthcare , not in cost of goods made. REPUBs Against.
4. Has stronger/l arger Unions, 4 week min vacations, shorter work weeks, anti-outso urcing regs. Repubs AGAINST .
http://www .youtube.c om/watch?v =VJp4479Qa SI&feature =youtu.be
5. Has Unions on company Boards, interest free loans to MFGs. Repubs AGAINST.
6. Has 100% higher Min wages. Repubs AGAINST.
7. Spends 3 times as much on Infrastruc ture. Repubs AGAINST.
8. Spends very little on defense. Repubs Against.
9. Has more/stric ter regulation s centrally administer ed. Repubs AGAINST.
10. A leader in wind/solar energy. Repubs AGAINST.
11. A Leader in HighSpeed rail. Repubs Against.
12. Has earlier retirement age/higher benefits/4 wk min vacations. REPUBS AGAINST.
13. Has centralize d education, not thousands of local school boards fighting over evolution/ Christian myths. For science/fa cts/histor y. REPUBS AGAINST.
14. Has paid for/afford able College. Repubs AGAINST.
Of course Repubs were for insurance mandates till 2009, Cap&trade acknowledg ing global warming, Deficit commission , P/R tax cuts...
4 hours ago ( 3:18 PM)
Newts One Good Idea…. He once suggested that we look at what Germany with just a population of 82 million is doing, given it leads us in MFG/Export
He then went silent!
Here is why, because Germany :
1. Has national industrial
2. Has export Rebates of 19%,like all other countries. Repubs AGAINST.
3. Has cheaper National healthcare
4. Has stronger/l
5. Has Unions on company Boards, interest free loans to MFGs. Repubs AGAINST.
6. Has 100% higher Min wages. Repubs AGAINST.
7. Spends 3 times as much on Infrastruc
8. Spends very little on defense. Repubs Against.
9. Has more/stric
10. A leader in wind/solar energy. Repubs AGAINST.
11. A Leader in HighSpeed rail. Repubs Against.
12. Has earlier retirement age/higher benefits/4
13. Has centralize
14. Has paid for/afford
Of course Repubs were for insurance mandates till 2009, Cap&trade acknowledg
dfg93353 1 week ago
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