Monday, June 01, 2009

Avro Manhattan

Hey Eric,

Greetings again from Toronto. In the wikipedia entry for AM it states that he was a papal knight. Is this not odd for the world's greatest Vatican basher??
[This link sustained my conclusion that Avro Manhattan was indeed a Knight of Malta.]

Best regards,

Mark xxxxxx

Dear Friends,

Avro Manhattan, the greatest 20th century historian on the crimes of the Vatican, was indeed a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor. He was a member of British Intelligence (MI5, MI6); was a personal friend of MI5/CIA/KGB agent Kim Philby; was a Fabian Socialist by which wicked organization the Jesuits put Lenin in power in 1917; was a personal friend of the Order's Irish Catholic Fabian Socialist, Irish Home Ruler and friend of Stalin enjoying the red carpet into Moscow during the reign of "Koba;" and was a friend of New Ager Freemason H. G. Wells---the writer of The Time Machine depicting the loss of the history and culture of the White Protestant peoples then being preyed upon by cannibals.

Manhattan was also a great promoter of the Pope's Cold War Hoax. He never exposed Rome's control of Moscow or Peking. Avro was a most successful Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor and is described as such in VAIII.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric

Manhattan played the right-wing, conservative anti-communist when he knew the Cold War was a hoax. He was also British Intelligence and thus connected to Spellman's CIA-led, anti-communist crusade. Manhattan also never revealed the fact that the Jesuits ruled both England and the US---just like another great traitor, Ian Paisley who has now sold out the Northern Irish Protestants.

Brother Eric


From Eric Phelps.
Avro Manhattan

I believe that English Protestant Knight of Malta Avro Manhattan was a disinformation agent in key areas. As you may know, he was British SIS and knew brother Knight of Malta Kim Philby---that triple intelligence agent (MI6, CIA and KGB) who, in 1963, "defected" to Moscow.

As proven in VA, the Black Pope rules all the intelligence agencies of the world, their leaders being Knights of Malta and/or 33rd Degree Freemasons. Thus the Cold War was a total Hoax, the Jesuits openly siding with the West against the USSR, but secretly ruling the East, Moscow and Peking. Manhattan promoted this nefarious Cold War Hoax as did 33rd Degree Freemason and American traitor General Douglas MacArthur. As long as Avro kept up the illusion of the Airborne Nuclear War Hoax (as no atomic bombs were ever dropped in Japan, but were detonated on the ground with magnesium flash bombs laced with radioactive material dropped from B-29s then airbursting above Hiroshima and Nagasaki) and thus the Cold War Hoax, he could write openly against irrefutable acts of mass-murder committed by the Papacy during WWII.

But let him expose the power of the Jesuit Order behind Masons Winston Churchill, FDR and Stalin, and he would have been removed from the public view---for good. Manhattan knew that Kim Philby, Anthony Blunt and James Angleton were Knights of Malta and ran the Vatican's intelligence apparatus in the West. He also knew that Angleton's Soviet counterpart, KGB officer Anatoli M. Golitsin, was a Russian Knight of Malta and that both were orchestrating the movements of the CIA and KGB for the benefit of the Black Pope's KGB, now SVR. VAIII further solidifies this irrefutable connection, for which reason VAI is being sold on Amazon for outrageous prices only to be disposed of ASAP.

Manhattan apparently was truly saved under the ministry of Ian Paisley. But then I have my doubts about Ian as he never exposes the Jesuit rule of Britain, especially from WWI to the present hour. Surely he must know that both the British MI5/MI6 and the IRA are being coordinated together for the destruction of Protestant Northern Ireland. Why would he ever think that the British Parliament would ever protect Northern Ireland from destruction? In fact, it would not surprise me that a mini-nuke will be detonated in Belfast or Ulster, killing thousands of Protestants while then enabling the Order's Roman Catholic Ireland to absorb the North---the ultimate goal of the Black Pope's IRA. Further, this terrorist event would drive England and Scotland into the arms of the Papacy and the EEC. Like Toronto, Belfast fits the bill.

You have a point about the Order's Illuminati laughing at us in the face of the facts put forth by Manhattan. The same thing was done through the production of JFK, Director's Cut and Enemy of the State.

Dear Brother Ricardo,

Avro Manhattan was an English Knight of Malta involved with British Intelligence. He helped ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera escape London and was later converted to Christ by the preaching of Ian Paisley---according to David Daniels of Chick Publications. My concern is that AM never exposed Spellman in the JFK assassination and he never exposed the Vatican control of the British government. He always gave creedence to the pope's Cold War Hoax and the Airborne Nuclear War Hoax. I think he was an agent of Rome until the day he died.

Concerning Malachi Martin, he advocated the lie that there were three superpowers struggling for world dominion between themselves---as though these three powers were real enemies. They were the papacy, the US and the USSR. This is absloutely bogus and MM knew that the Black Pope controlled all three powers during WWII and thereafter. He was a Jesuit of supreme inside knowledge and remained a Jesuit until the day of his murder. He must have went too far.

Sincerely in faith,

Brother Eric
Thursday, November 08, 2007 7:43 PM

Dear bro. Phelps:

Please give me your opinion about these two men, which are an enigna shrouded in a mystery wrapped in a secret to me:

1) Avro Manhattan

2) Malachi Martin

1) Best-seller writer of fine books against romanism BUT Knight of Malta and friend of popes, cardinals and other animals of the roman curia.
2) Best-seller writer of books exposing dirty secrets of the catholic whore BUT a jesuit....well at least he was honest and above-board about it.

God bless you.

Ricardo Monteagudo


7 Great Historic Sins of Roman Catholicism / Euro-Christianity

[NOTE: When I posted this @ a CD article RE the new Pope- ironically the guy who had the biggest 'issue' RE what I posted IDed himself as an atheist- which I'm NOT.]
Considering various greatly hyped social issues & agendas of today- many / most would likely say the Church’s stand against abortion & birth-control, homo-sexuality & so-called ‘gay’-marriage, & women & LGBT priests. IMO what ever your position on those issues are, they should NOT be counted among the Great Historic Sins of the Church. My List IS:
1} The Council of Nicaea- 325 ACE: Marks how Roman Catholicism [= the ‘Mother Church’ of Euro-Christianity] ‘officially’ began as we’ve come to know it. The objective was for Roman Emperor Constantine, along w his mother [Helena] & his successors, to co-opt a movement & in the process to make Catholicism [Euro-Christianity] Imperial Rome’s state religion- controlled by them. One must ask- since it was Imperial Rome that executed the chief prophet of the movement in Judea / Jerusalem & persecuted his people, how-be-it the seat of authority for his alleged ‘church’ became the Vatican at Rome???
Another important objective / effect of the Nicene Councils [& Creed] was to sever the Gospel from its Hebraic Roots & turn the Judean messenger into a [mythical] Euro-Christian ‘Christ’ instead of a messenger of the Hebraic Prophetic tradition. The result- A myriad of myths, misconceptions, misinterpretations, mis-characterizations, & outright paganisms.
2} Pope Urban II’s Declaration of the Crusades- 1095 ACE: The Crusades reeked havoc not just on Muslims living in / near the Holy-land, but even more so on Jews [IE: killed more Jews than Muslims]. The slaughter of Jews by Crusaders actually began in Europe & continued into the Holy-land regions [= a prelude to the Holocaust]. Muslims were denounced as plunders of the Holy-Land sites, when in fact the Euro-Christian hordes were the real foreign invaders & plunderers [FYI: Prophet Muhammad’s ancestry is traced to Abraham via Ishmael & Kedar. NO Pope of Rome traces their lineage back to any Biblical patriarch.]. The crusaders were effectively given papal authority to commit mass mayhem, plunder, murder, etc- for 200yrs- all allegedly in the ‘Lord’s’ name.
3} The Papal Bulls of 1452 & 1455 by Pope Nicholas V [Note: I first became aware of this by reading Mike Pircsh's excellent article here @ BAR 'America is Fascist Because It's (always has been) Racist- Pt2']: } Nicholas V in the papal bull “Dom Diversas” ordered the Portuguese King Alfonso V to reduce any ”Saracens [derogatory term for Muslims in the 1400’s- Note: Iberia had been under control of the Afro-Islamic Moors for +750yrs] and pagans and any other unbelievers” to Perpetual Slavery. Pagans and other unbelievers refer to the dark-skinned inhabitants of Africa. This document made legal – and even a good Christian act – the Portuguese invasion of Africa and marked the beginning of the slave trading industry from West Africa to Europe and soon thereafter to the “New World.” Three years later the same Pope Nicholas V wrote the papal bull “Romanus Pontifexwhich gave all Catholic nations of Europe [= Euro-Christians] the [‘divine’] right “to invade, search out, capture, vanquish and subdue all Saracens and pagans whatsoever & where-so-ever found, and the kingdoms, dukedoms, principalities, dominions, possessions and all moveable and immoveable goods whatsoever held and possessed by them and to reduce their persons to Perpetual Slavery…”. It also granted Euro-Christian Kings the [‘divine’] right to seize all of their “lands, islands, harbors and seas”… { Note: The fore-runner to Nicolas’ V Papal Bulls was that issued by Pope Eugene IV to Portuguese Prince Henry in 1442- sanctioning his enslavement of ‘Saracens & pagans’ along the West African coast.]
These Papal bulls in effect directly authorized the Great Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, the Colonial Rape of Africa & the so-called 3rd World by Euro-Christians nations [note Europe was once called ‘Christendom’] - which continues to this very day! And they led to the extermination of Native peoples in many parts of the Americas- as Euro-Christian conquistadors exercised their 'divine' right to seize Native people's lands! Pope Nicolas’ V papal bulls were later confirmed by Popes: Calixtus III [1456], Sixtus IV [1481], Alexander VI [1503], Leo X [1514], etc…
4} The Spanish Inquisition- 1492 - 1501: The Afro-Islamic Moors’ expulsion from Spain in 1492 [by Spain's Castilian Christians] directly led to a backlash against Spain’s Sephardic Jews, who had lived under the Iberian jurisdiction of the Afro-Islamic Moors in relative peace, prosperity & security for 700yrs. Many Sephardic Jews were expelled w the Moors. Those that remained were victimized by forced conversions, torturous brutality & slaughter via the Spanish [& other] Inquisitions- in effect a 2nd prelude to the Holocaust.
5} The Sistine Chapel- Pope Julius II Officially Authorizes Michelangelo to change the face of the Holy-People from Black to white- 1508 ACE:  IMO this ‘reimaging’ of the Holy-people is directly linked to the Papal Bulls of 1452 & 55 [which authorized the Great Slave-trade on Papal authority], & the expulsion of the Afro-Islamic Moors from Iberia in 1492- which in turn was driven by the Crusader legacy. It’s known by serious scholars that prior to 1508 & certainly before the Crusades, it was typical [=  standard] practice to depict the Judean Messiah, his Mother [Mariam], the Biblical prophets / patriarchs, etc- as Black- even in Europe [FYI: There are still several famous artifacts depicting Black Madonnas & Child in various places in Europe- which pre-date 1500 ACE]. After Pope Julius’ & Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Job- that standard changed- resulting in reimaging the Holy-people as white- till this very day! This was key to legitimizing racist & white supremacist ideologies in the minds of the masses!
} From the AlterNet & Salon articleNO! Jesus Wasn’t a White Dude’ [Dude – DUHH!  ]: The historical Jesus Christ is not a white surfer dude with blue eyes, long flowing blonde hair…He would likely have been a medium-complected Jew with brown or darker skin... Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo’s white Jesus were iconic images that enabled European colonialism and imperialism. In these grand projects of global white power and conquest, “Christian” became synonymous with free, white and civilized. “Heathen” meant that whole populations could be subjected to extermination, enslavement and exploitation… Is there any greater example of the twisted nature and power of internalized white supremacy, than how many millions of Black and Brown folks kneel and pray before the image of a white god — an image which has long been used to justify and legitimate white supremacy and racial exploitation? Both Black and white Christians pray to the same mythologized and historically inaccurate image of Jesus...  {

6} The Reichs-konkordat- July 1933: It’s well known that the Roman Catholic Church, along w other Christian denominations, refused to denounce Hitler & the NAZIs & is accused of accommodating & even collaborating w him / them. [Note: The NAZIs also had many secular collaborators; IE: Many Wall St & the City of London firms, & some of the US’s & UK’s biggest corporations]. FYI: Ironically Pope Benedict XVI was actually once enlisted in Hitler’s NAZI army! - The Reichs-konkordat was a treaty between the Holy See and Nazi Germany signed on 20 July 1933 by then Vatican Secretary of State Eugenio Pacelli (who later became Pope Pius XII) and Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen on behalf of Pope Pius XI and President Paul von Hindenburg respectively. This concordat has been described as giving moral legitimacy to the Nazi regime soon after Hitler acquired dictatorial powers, and placing constraints on Catholic critics of the regime, leading to a muted response by the Church to Nazi policies. [NOTE: IMO- The Vatican’s track record of ‘accommodation’ {if not collaboration} w WWII era Nazism & Fascism, perfectly explains the Vatican’s similar track-record in Latin America during the ‘OP-Condor’ / ‘Dirty Wars’  reign of terror of brutal US backed Military Juntas. ‘Ironically’ the New Pope Francis has been accused of  'accommodating' Argentina’s Military Junta in the 1970s- 80s.]
7} The On-going Priest Pederasty / Child Sex-Abuse Scandal: Which is so well known & publicized that I won’t dwell on it. But I will note that it has victimized 10s [or even 100s] of Thousands of children on several continents & spans several decades or even centuries- & it implicates the Vatican at-least in its prolonged policy of cover-up- all the way to the seat of the Papacy!  And Cardinal Ratzinger [aka Pope Benedict XVI] wrote & directed the Vatican’s cover-up protocol RE: serial pederastic Priests!

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