Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Malcolm X: The COINTELPRO operation against Malcolm X




In the 1970s, the public learned about COINTELPRO and other secret FBI programs directed towards infiltrating and disrupting civil rights organizations during the 1950s and 1960s. John Ali, national secretary of the Nation of Islam, was identified as an FBI undercover agent. Malcolm X had confided in a reporter that Ali had exacerbated tensions between him and Elijah Muhammad. He considered Ali his "archenemy" within the Nation of Islam leadership. On February 20, 1965, the night before the assassination, Ali met with Talmadge Hayer, one of the men convicted of killing Malcolm X.

Gene Roberts, one of Malcolm's chiefs of security, was an NYPD undercover cop. Roberts was an agent with NYPDs Bureau of Special Services (BOSS), a super-secret political intelligence unit nicknamed the Red Squad. Roberts was on the scene as Malcolm was assassinated and supposedly tried to resuscitate him after hed been shot. Roberts later went on to infiltrate and disrupt the Black Panther Party.

Two of the three men convicted of killing Malcolm X, Norman Butler and Robert 15X Johnson, were almost certainly NOT at the scene of the crime. The evidence points to a confluence of three groups involved in Malcolm Xs assassination: institutional forces (NYPD, FBI, CIA, etc.), The Nation of Islam, and elements within Malcolms own circle after his split with NOI. There is definitely overlap between these groups, as evidence suggests that elements of one group could have been working as agents of another.

Within days of the assassination, questions were raised about who bore ultimate responsibility. On February 23, James Farmer, the leader of the Congress of Racial Equality, announced at a news conference that local drug dealers, and not the Black Muslims, were to blame. Others accused the New York Police Department, the FBI, or the CIA, citing the lack of police protection and the ease with which the assassins had entered the Audubon Ballroom.
ZaleOutlaw (7 months ago) Show Hide
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louis farrakhan and the NOI is just another failed organization. Read the book written by malcolm x's sister and nephew titled "the seventh child". Malcolm X talks about how he never believed that elijah muhammad was a divine messenger, and that the NOI was secretly doing business with Rockwell, the leader of the american nazi party. Malcolm X was just doing his job when spoke for elijah muhammad. Overall, Malcolm left cause of NOI's inactivity, corruption and lies. Farrakhan is a con-artist.



Karl Evanzz, a staff writer for the Washington Post, researched more than 300,000 pages of declassified FBI and CIA documents for his book, The Judas Factor. In its introduction he states, "After analyzing these resources, I am convinced that Louis E. Lomax, an industrious African-American journalist who befriended Malcolm X in the late 1950's, had practically solved the riddle of his assassination." He believed that Malcolm X was set up for the assassination by a former friend, John Ali, who was an agent/informer for an intelligence agency. Malcolm X had previously commented that Ali had been responsible for his ouster from the NOI. Ali eventually rose to the position of National Secretary of the NOI. Lomax was later killed in an automobile accident (due to brake failure).

It is now known that government and law enforcement agencies planted infiltrators in the OAAU, NOI and almost all of the other civil rights movement organizations. Some of these agent/informers were highly placed. Their assignments were not only to report on all of their activities, plans and members, but to create disruption, distrust and to frighten any supporters. The involvement of the government's "Cointelpro" (counter-intelligence program) operation to "neutralize" Malcolm X through BOSS, the NOI, and organized crime is strongly inferred by Evanzz in his book. The goal of the Cointelpro program was to neutralize radical and subversive political organizations and dissidents through covert means, such as "black-bag jobs," where agents/informers would enter homes and offices without warrants and remove or copy files, records ore plant incriminating material.


Produced by Kamau LaRaviere for PoliTeach. Contact PoliTeaching@gmail.com for more info.
An astounding and painstakenly researched collection of speech excerpts, photographs and commentary that highlight the surprising similarities between the ideas of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King. This is an abbreviated adaptation of a live presentation. This live presentation is is even more in-depth and informative than the video. Part 1 of 3.

Produced by Kamau LaRaviere for PoliTeach. Contact PoliTeaching@gmail.com for more info.
An astounding and painstakenly researched collection of speech excerpts, photographs and commentary that highlight the surprising similarities between the ideas of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King. This is an abbreviated adaptation of a live presentation. This live presentation is is even more in-depth and informative than the video. Part 2 of 3

Produced by Kamau LaRaviere for PoliTeach. Contact PoliTeaching@gmail.com for more info.

An astounding and painstakenly researched collection of speech excerpts, photographs and commentary that highlight the surprising similarities between the ideas of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King. This is an abbreviated adaptation of a live presentation. This live presentation is is even more in-depth and informative than the video. Part 3 of 3.


The single most effective White propaganda assertion that continues to make it very difficult for us to reconstruct the African social systems of mutual trust broken down by U.S. Slavery is the statement, unqualified, that, "We sold each other into slavery." Most of us have accepted this statement as true at its face value. It implies that parents sold their children into slavery to Whites, husbands sold their wives, even brothers and sisters selling each other to the Whites. It continues to perpetuate a particularly sinister effluvium of Black character. But deep down in the Black gut, somewhere beneath all the barbecue ribs, gin and whitewashed religions, we know that we are not like this.

This singular short tart claim, that "We sold each other into slavery", has maintained in a state of continual flux our historical basis for Black-on-Black self love and mutual cooperation at the level of Class. Even if it is true (without further clarification) that we sold each other into slavery, this should not absolve Whites of their responsibility in our subjugation. We will deal with Africa if need be.

The period from the beginning of the TransAtlantic African Slave so-called Trade (1500) to the demarcation of Africa into colonies in the late 1800s is one of the most documented periods in World History. Yet, with the exception of the renegade African slave raider Tippu Tip of the Congo (Muslim name, Hamed bin Muhammad bin Juna al-Marjebi) who was collaborating with the White Arabs (also called Red Arabs) there is little documentation of independent African slave raiding. By independent is meant that there were no credible threats, intoxicants or use of force by Whites to force or deceive the African into slave raiding or slave trading and that the raider himself was not enslaved to Whites at the time of slave raiding or "trading". Trade implies human-to-human mutuality without force. This was certainly not the general scenario for the TransAtlantic so-called Trade in African slaves. Indeed, it was the Portuguese who initiated the European phase of slave raiding in Africa by attacking a sleeping village in 1444 and carting away the survivors to work for free in Europe.

Even the case of Tippu Tip may well fall into a category that we might call the consequences of forced cultural assimilation via White (or Red) Arab Conquest over Africa. Tippu Tip s father was a White (or Red) Arab slave raider, his mother an unmixed African slave. Tip was born out of violence, the rape of an African woman. It is said that Tip, a "mulatto", was merciless to Africans.


The first act against Africa by Whites was an unilateral act of war, announced or unannounced. There were no African Kings or Queens in any of the European countries nor in the U.S. when ships set sail for Africa to capture slaves for profit. Whites had already decided to raid for slaves. They didn't need our agreement on that. Hence, there was no mutuality in the original act. The African so-called slave "trade" was a demand-driven market out of Europe and America, not a supply-driven market out of Africa. We did not seek to sell captives to the Whites as an original act. Hollywood s favorite is showing Blacks capturing Blacks into slavery, as if this was the only way capture occurred. There are a number of ways in which capture occurred. Let s dig a little deeper into this issue.

Chancellor Williams, in his classic work, The Destruction of Black Civilization, explains that after the over land passage of African trade had been cut off at the Nile Delta by the White Arabs in about 1675 B.C.(the Hyksos), the Egyptian/African economy was thrown into a recession. There is even indication of "pre-historic" aggression upon Africa by White nomadic tribes (the Palermo Stone). As recession set in the African Government began selling African prisoners of war and criminals on death row to the White Arabs. This culminated as an unfortunate trade, in that, when the White Arabs attacked, they had the benefit of the knowledge and strength of Africans on their side, as their slaves. This is a significantly different picture than the propaganda that we sold our immediate family members into slavery to the Whites.

In reality, slavery is an human institution. Every ethnic group has sold members of the same ethnic group into slavery. It becomes a kind of racism; that, while all ethnic groups have sold its own ethnic group into slavery, Blacks can't do it. When Eastern Europeans fight each other it is not called tribalism. Ethnic cleansing is intended to make what is happening to sound more sanitary. What it really is, is White Tribalism pure and simple.

The fact of African resistance to European Imperialism and Colonialism is not well known, though it is well documented. Read, for instance, Michael Crowder (ed.), West African Resistance, Africana Publishing Corporation, New York, 1971. Europeans entered Africa in the mid 1400 s and early 1500 s during a time of socio-political transition. Europeans chose a favorite side to win between African nations at a war and supplied that side with guns, a superior war instrument. In its victory, the African side with guns rounded up captives of war who were sold to the Europeans in exchange for more guns or other barter. Whites used these captives in their own slave raids.

These captives often held pre-existing grudges against groups they were ordered to raid, having formerly been sold into slavery themselves by these same groups as captives in inter-African territorial wars. In investigating our history and capture, a much more completed picture emerges than simply that we sold each other into slavery.

The Ashanti, who resisted British Imperialism in a Hundred Years War, sold their African captives of war and criminals to other Europeans, the Portuguese, Spanish, French, in order to buy guns to maintain their military resistance against British Imperialism (Michael Crowder, ed., West African Resistance).

Eric A. Walker, in A History of Southern Africa, Longmans, London, 1724, chronicles the manner in which the Dutch entered South Africa at the Cape of Good Hope. Van Riebeeck anchored at the Cape with his ships in 1652 during a time that the indigenous Khoi Khoi or Khoisan (derogatorily called Hottentots) were away hunting. The fact of their absence is the basis of the White "claim" to the land. But there had been a previous encounter with the Khoi Khoi at the Cape in 1510 with the Portuguese Ship Almeida. States Eric A. Walker, "Affonso de Albuquerque was a conscious imperialist whose aim was to found self-sufficing colonies and extend Portuguese authority in the East&He landed in Table Bay, and as it is always the character of the Portuguese to endeavor to rob the poor natives of the country, a quarrel arose with the Hottentots, who slew him and many of his companions as they struggled towards their boats through the heavy sand of Salt River beach." (Ibid. p. 17). Bartholomew Diaz had experienced similar difficulties with the indigenous Xhosa of South Africa in 1487, on his way to "discovering" a "new" trade route to the East. The conflict ensued over a Xhosa disagreement over the price Diaz wanted to pay for their cattle. The Xhosa had initially come out meet the Whites, playing their flutes and performing traditional dance.

In 1652, knowing that the indigenous South Africans were no pushovers, Van Riebeeck didn't waste any time. As soon as the Khoi Khoi returned from hunting, Van Riebeeck accused them of stealing Dutch cattle. Simply over that assertion, war broke out, and the superior arms of the Dutch won. South African Historian J. Congress Mbata best explains this dynamic in his lectures, available at the Cornell University Africana Studies Department. Mbata provides three steps: 1) provocation by the Whites, 2) warfare and, 3) the success of a superior war machinery.

There are several instances in which Cecil Rhodes, towards the end of the 19th Century, simply demonstrated the superiority of the Maxim Machine Gun by mowing down a corn field in a matter of minutes. Upon such demonstrations the King and Queen of the village, after consulting the elders, signed over their land to the Whites. These scenarios are quite different from the Hollywood version, and well documented.

It has been important to present the matters above to dispel the notion of an African slave trade that involved mutuality as a generalized dynamic on the part of Africans. If we can accept the documented facts of our history above and beyond propaganda, we can begin to heal. We can begin to love one another again and go on to regain our liberties on Earth.



216 Elite wrote:
Amerikkka always speaks upon the jewish holocaust and other tragedies of other people's, that their european white brethren have initiated throughout history in a forgiving manner, yet has always fought with denial and deceit regarding its place in the Holocaust suffered by our ancestors called the "African (MAAFA) Holocaust.....
AFRICAN HOLOCAUST - The history of Africa restored
The word '''Maafa'''(also know as the African Holocaust) is derived from a (Kiswahili) word meaning disaster, terrible occurrence or great tragedy. The term today collectively refers to the 500 hundred years of suffering of people of African heritage through Slavery, Imperialism, Colonialism, Oppression, Invasions and Exploitation. And in the 21st century the legacy of enslavement manifest itself in the social-economic status of Africans globally.
The mistake made is in thinking Slavery is only an aspect of history. Today Slavery is still a World problem, millions of people are trapped in domestic slavery from China to USA. However, It is estimated that 40 -100 million people were taken out of African by the Atlantic, Arabian and Trans-Saharan routes. Many died in transport, others died from diseases or indirectly from the social trauma left behind in Africa.
The new attack on African history manifests in blame reassignment and statistical downsizing. Blame reassignment refocuses on African and Arab slavery. Statistical downsize serves to lessen the volume of Africans enslaved. The authentic study of Africa is often masked with political or emotional objectives; whether these objectives are Islamaphobia, Anti-African, European supremacy or "Black" supremacy.
The issue is the detraction from factual research that seeks to explore the full dynamics of slavery. But equally unacceptable is the denial syndrome some African academics have employed. The horrors of humanity are not limited to non-Africans. Honesty cannot be a one-way mirror. African history needs to be studied both as an experiment in sociology and as a historical discourse; as to study one is by default to study the other.
Black And Proud Forever


Who controlled this system? There were blacks owning slaves in Louisiana. So did they control it?

Jews certainly did not. They were severely persecuted in Europe especially after 1000ad. In the Arab world, Jews were many of the scholars in the Caliphate, but were not in control of the Arab slave trade nor the economy in any way.

These myths are similar to the Nazi beliefs that Jews "really" run things and have infiltrated society and control everyone... It's insanity.

-Barros Serrano


7 months ago 3
the black man and woman united is such a powerful force remember this and reality will come to you

  • @solreavir Thanks For Your Comment I Know that Reality In My Life Because I am Surrounded By Real Black Men In My Family Life, As Friends and As Love Intrest. When It is Time I Will Marry & Have A Strong Black Family.

  • http://www.youtube.com/user/EbonyLoveAndMarriage


    southsideburbs wrote:
    Neither did I say that all inmates are in prison b/c they committed a crime. I said the majority are in there b/c they did something illegal. I can sympathize with those that are in there for marajuana charges(minor drug in my opinion)or falsely accussed of rape charges, but the ones in their for crack cocaine not so much. And just b/c they're in prison for non violent offenses(like dealing crack cocaine, herion) doesn't mean they wouldnt pull a trigger on someone if it came down to protecting their trade. Do you know the reason for a lot of gang/drug violence is b/c of gangs fighting over blocks, corners, or building to sell their drugs? Just look at what was happening in the 80s and 90s. Chicago is known for gang violence and many of the gang members here are also drug dealers.I'm certain you're right about Louisiana being very unfair to blacks, but the state also has one of the most violent cities in the states, New Orleans.
    when u look at the BIG picture, black crime is largely an ECONOMIC ISSUE.

    when you remove employment that pays a living wage, and make sure the schools are substandard and then your own government brings crack cocaine and assault weapons into an impoverished community,

    and creates mandatory sentencing for non-violence drug offenses (aimed at blacks), and lock up black children for petty offenses, the end result is predictable: VIOLENT COMMUNITIES and FAMILY BREAKDOWNs

    New Orleans is one of the most RACIST cities in the U.S. You can't tear people down and expect rose gardens.

    the white supremacists deliberately created this system, they are social engineering crime

    don't forget -- the FIRST drive-by shootings and organized crime families were lower caste Europeans (Italians, Irish) who who were discriminated against by the WASP (white anglo saxon protestant elites)

    and thus the FIRST street gangs and urban slums were born...

    after a hundred years, if we don't believe they know how to create crime-ridden communities (or prevent them), then we are seriously kidding ourselves...



    Dec 06, 2009 08:01 PM
    REPLYING TO hercharacter7 ON Dec 06, 2009 08:00 AM Link Back
    many black folks are bodies with a white brain, simply repeating what they've been told and what they think WHITE PEOPLE want them to believe. There can't be any other excuse for a black person to be surrounded by racism and say "race doesn't matter."

    It's a form of mentacide, insanity, and denial.

    bottom line, in a white supremacy system, like America, RACE ALWAYS MATTERS.

    it matters more than money (ask Bill Cosby when he wanted to buy a TV network)

    It damn sure matters when you go to get a job in a bad economy, which many good blacks are finding out about FIRST HAND

    Stay on point and let the self-deceivers and delusional believe what they want to believe. They are fools, yes, fools.

    But their denial won't last much long. Reality -- in the form of a fast, reverse-spinning civil rights clock -- will make our black reality in America undeniably crystal clear.

